Chapter 46 - temporary normal

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A/N: ok, first of all, thank you so much for making this story number 1 on the NCIS list - you all have no idea how much that means to me! On with the story!
After a long time taken to convince Jackson, Gibbs took him back to DC with his wife and kids.  Once they got home and settled, it was late in the day, so they all went to bed.
-a few hours later-
Gibbs woke up to tossing and turning next to him.  He turned and saw Grace moving around in the bed. 
"Hey, wake up." He said softly so he wouldn't startle her, but it didn't work, so he shook her shoulder and she quickly raised up, eyes snapped open.  She looked around for a moment, trying to get her breathing under control.    "You alright?" He asked when she seemed to calm down. 
"I will be...sorry I woke you" she replied, laying back down. 
"What happened?" He asked.  She looked at him and shook her head after a moment or two.
"Don't wanna talk about it right now..."
"Okay, I won't force you.  When you're ready, I'll be here."
"Isn't that my line?" She asked with a small smile.
"Usually, but figured I'd change it up a bit." He replied and she laughed a little.  She moved into his arms and he held her until she fell asleep again.
-next morning-
They both went downstairs to find the twins already set up for breakfast and Jackson in the kitchen fixing said breakfast.  He turned and smiled.
"Morning, you two.  Thought I'd fix breakfast this morning"
"Thanks, Jackson...that's really not necessary" Grace tried to protest.
"Yes, it is.  I may be the guest, but you two have your hands full between the twins and this ongoing case.  Figured I'd help out where I can"
"Thanks, dad.  Much appreciated" Gibbs replied, and Grace decided not to comment on the fact that it was the first time she'd heard him call his father dad instead of his name. 
"So, plan for today?" She asked, instead.
"If we go too off routine, we'll tip them off, so we'll head to work and leave dad with the kids.  There'll be two agents outside the house, and they know to call us if anything happens."
"I really don't think we need those agents here" Jackson protested, trying to feed the kids.
"Jackson, please, there needs to be someone here with you in case they come back.  I know you're fully able to protect yourself, but we really don't need to take any additional risks." Grace explained as she finished eating.  He sighed, but nodded his head.  She nodded her head in reply and went upstairs to get ready for work, leaving father and son in the dining room to talk.
"She's good for you, Leroy.  Seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and isn't afraid to tell either one of us when we're wrong"
"You're right about that, dad" Gibbs replied. 
"You take good care of her, son"
"Don't worry, I will." About that time, she came back down the stairs.
"Alright, your turn, Gibbs.  I wanna hear some stories from when you were little." He rolled his eyes but went upstairs himself.  "So, tell me - was he as stubborn as he is now?"
"Oh, you have no idea.  This is nothing."
"Really? Guess certain situations have mellowed him out."
"Yeah, guess they have.  You two are good for each other"
"Thanks, Jackson" she replied, helping him get the kids cleaned up from breakfast.  After a few minutes, Gibbs came back downstairs and they said goodbye to the kids and Jackson before heading out the door.

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