Chapter 4 Meeting a Suspicious Senior

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"Becka" Zaire said while waving his hand in front of her face, but she was frozen in shock as her brain tried to put the pieces together properly. 

He then stepped a little closer towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders as he leaned forward to kiss her on her lips.

There was a loud shriek from the girls in the class including Payeton who was now clasping her hands while day dreaming, but Kaesann had an astonished expression on her face. However, before their lips could meet, Tyler got up furiously and pushed Zaire's hand away, making him stumble a bit and jerked Becka's left shoulder.

Zaire was shocked but managed to stand up straight. He then placed his hands in his pockets.

 "Who the hell are you?" he said while glaring intently at Tyler. 

"I should be the one asking you that" Tyler retorted while glaring at Zaire with defiance.

Tyler's response and demeanour made Zaire chuckle as he started to scan him from head to toe. 

"I've never seen your face here before. You must be new here........Tyler.....Quest" Zaire said as he approached Tyler slowly and intently while reading his name tag.

"He's my friend" Becka said while standing between the little space that was left between the two. 

"Your friend?" Zaire asked with a question mark look on his face. 

"This is my friend Payeton Perry" Becka continued.

Zaire held out his hand to shake Payeton's hand and she shook it while smiling.

"Nice to meet you Payeton" he said while smiling brightly at her.

"And this is my friend Kaesann Xyler" Becka said while pointing towards Kaesann whose head was down. 

"Kaesann?" Zaire inquired while facing Becka with a question mark look on his face again.

 Becka nodded to confirm that he had heard her correctly. He then smiled and extended his hand towards Kaesann. 

"Nice to meet you Kaesann" Zaire said. 

There was no reply from her after 10 seconds had past so he touched her shoulder gently and she looked up at him a bit startled. 

Zaire then smiled and extended his hand again while saying nice to meet you Kaesann and she shook his hand without making any eye contact with him.

He then turned to face Becka.

 "How is your shoulder? Do you feel pain anywhere?" Zaire inquired while touching her shoulder and back softly. 

She looked at him and smiled, but before she could reply, Kaesann got up suddenly looking very pale. Zaire asked if she was ok, but she just nodded and then excused herself before running outside. 

Payeton and Becka had no choice but to follow her. Becka also excused herself and ran off with Payeton to chase after their friend. When Becka was out of sight, Zaire turned to face Tyler again who was contemplating if he should run after them or stay where he was. 

 " I will see you around Tyler" Zaire said with a smirk on his face with both hands still in his pockets.

Tyler watched as he left their class with his entourage and how all the boys sighed in relief who were standing with their faces to the wall. Tyler had forgotten that they were there all this time without even flinching.

All the boys came to shake Tyler's hand for standing up to Zaire and also offered some words of advice, to watch his back because Zaire would surely get even with him for what had happened in the classroom today.

The Melancholic SeniorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz