Chapter 9 The Male God's Plus 1

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When Becka saw this, she turned around to leave immediately, but Zaire removed Amber's hands quickly and held onto Becka's hand instead. 

However, to his surprise, she flashed off his hand and proceeded to walk away once more. 

"Becka wait! he exclaimed as he held onto her hand again.

"Zaire don't tell me you're putting this cheat over me?" Amber said while holding onto his hand and glaring at them. 

"A cheat?" Becka asked as she removed his hand and stared at Amber. 

"Why don't you tell everyone how you managed to get perfect scores in most of your tests and you just transferred here?" Amber retorted while throwing down her test papers on the ground.

Becka stood there frozen at Amber's sudden interrogation as some teachers were there looking on. 

"What do you know about Becka?!" Payeton exclaimed as she stepped forward. 

"Why does someone have to cheat to do well on their tests?" Kaesann inquired.

"Don't you think you're going a bit too far with your accusation Amber?" Tyler inquired. 

But Amber didn't want to hear anything that Becka's friends had to say, she was just focused on ruining Becka's image in front of the whole school. 

"What? do you juniors know who I am? Do you want this day to be your last day at this school?!" she exclaimed furiously.

"Amber stop..." Zaire tried to say as he closed his eyes and tried to remain calm.

But he was interjected by Amber. 

"Wow! For a newbie you've really turned out to be a little prick! How many seniors and teachers did you have to sleep with to take my spot?!" she exclaimed as she raised her had to slap Becka across her face.

"Amber I said to stop!" Zaire exclaimed while holding her at the wrist and shaking her violently. 

"The only person she needs to sleep with is me because she's my girlfriend!" he continued before letting go of her hand. 

He then ordered the students to take up her test papers that were now  flying all over the place and hand them to the school's dean.

Amber stared at him in disbelief as she thought he was only bluffing to make her jealous.

"Don't take them up! Anyone who takes up her papers will be expelled from this school!" she shouted as she saw that he wasn't bluffing. 

"Anyone who takes up a paper will be in my good grace for a year!" he shouted. 

Everyone started scampering all over the place to retrieve at least one of Becka's paper as it would determine how they would be treated for the rest of the school year.   

Whispering was now heard throughout the crowd as everyone started to speculate what was going on after the lucky persons were able to take up her papers. 

"Did I say you guys can speak?" Zaire asked as he ran his hand through his hair and immediately everyone became silent again. 

Payeton stared at him dreamily as she held onto Becka's arm, but Tyler and Kaesann looked indifferent.

 Amber shoved Zaire angrily. 

"Your girlfriend? Are you doing this to make me jealous? Or better yet to make me pay for what happened at your...." she tried to say.

"Amber that's enough!" Zaire exclaimed as he tried to contain his anger. 

Amber became silent as she stared at him in disbelief. 

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