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A/N: Hope you all enjoy this poster. Also, there is intentionally a sentence in here that is a little misplaced or odd given the words around it that is the opener to one of the biggest drama plot points of this story. See if you can find it :)

The most simple of moments are also the most perfect. It's the feeling of seeing the effortless joy in those you love. It's the feeling of boundless laughter that radiates through the room. It's the feeling of home that is nestled into every home-cooked meal. It's the feeling of care and protection when wrapped in the arms of your lover after an exhausting day.

I woke up with my arms wrapped around perfection the morning after his funeral. Every inch of Emily was curled into me as my fingers etched lovingly from her shoulder blade down to her hip bone, hoping and praying for my love to somehow be enough for her as she woke up this morning. She sighed slightly beneath my touch while slowly reacquainting herself with the world around her. Her left arm shuddered underneath my touch as she turned over in bed to face me.

"You're still here..." she trailed, the tone of her voice both pleased and confused. She smiled as she ducked her head into my chest.

Kissing the top of her head, I replied, "Of course, I am. A) I told you that I wasn't going to leave you. B) The renters at my place don't have to be out until Monday, so I'm all yours until then."

"Monday." Emily mumbled, placing her hand on my stomach and nestling into my chest, "What day is it today, Al?"

Emily's long black hair had fallen to one side and was blocking the side of her face that was in my view. I collected the strands in my palm as I traced the side of her face to tuck them behind her ear before continuing, "Today is Friday, Em."

I'm sure that the days were blending together. Part of me felt selfish staying in bed with Emily all day knowing that a grieving Mrs. Fields was just downstairs, but it was promising to hear the clashing of dishes and light conversation coming through the door from friends and family assisting. I knew that Emily wasn't thinking of anyone else's suffering but her own. It was selfish; it was her way of achieving self-preservation.

"Can we just lay here all day then?" Emily's voice interrupted my thoughts, "I mean, do we have plans today or can we stay in here?"

"Well, the girls are bringing dinner over for you guys tonight, and your mom invited them to stay and eat." While I took a pause, I felt Emily's breathe in deeply beneath my hand, "So yes, babe, we can lay here for a lot of the day, but we should probably get you in the shower at some point and go downstairs to check in on your mom."

I traced my hand up her back before trailing my fingers underneath her hair and onto her scalp, scratching it lightly as she collected her thoughts, "Okay, I think I can do that. Thank you." I kissed her forehead in reply.

We laid in her bed for extended minutes in silence. I assumed that Emily was drifting back off to sleep, but she surprised me with her next question, "This is what you needed, isn't it?"

I adjusted my laying position scooting myself up higher on the bed, "What are you talking about, Em?"

She brought her hand up to my chest just underneath my chin, using it to help lift her head more to look directly at me, "When your mom died, this is what you needed me to do. You needed me to be with you and tell you all of the details of the day. You needed me to keep you in the present. You needed me to give you goals and make sure you met them. I'm sorry I didn't know any better."

I leaned down to kiss her softly, trailing my finger under her chin as I pulled away, "You did the best you could. You helped plan her funeral and brought food to Jason and me so many times a day. You remembered our 6th month anniversary when I couldn't even tell you if it was day or night, and you wrapped me in your arms even on the days I didn't want to be touched. You did what you could, okay?"

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