Happy & Sad

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I've found that time moves more slowly during the moments you are meant to remember. The defining moments. I discovered this fact to be true the second time Alison and I got together. I think that as freshmen, I tended to look over the big moments in our relationship because I was so excited to just be there, with her. But this time around, I was taking time to pause and take in the details of the smallest of moments. I tried to stop time to take in every moment of the present that I wanted to take with me into the future.

That Saturday in April was one of those times, even more than usual. Standing in front of Spencer's door, I did what I always did when I wanted to transport a memory along with me. The wind attempted to blow my straight hair out of place, causing me to wrap my palms around my head in hopes of holding it down. I chuckled under my breath glancing back and forth at the boys next to me. Caleb reached up for my hand, clasping them together as he reassured me.

"This is the worst part. I promise, Em."

"Yeah," Toby affirmed on my left, "All you have to do is smile and be patient."

I nodded, unconfident in my abilities to make it through tonight without vomiting. I had to keep this memory in my head, no matter how badly I wanted to internally run away.

Today was about new memories for us. Today would be harder for Alison than it could ever be for me. So yes, I was nervous, but Alison was shaken. I had to be there for Alison. Above any and everything else.

Though it felt like an eternity, Spencer opened the door a few moments later, half dressed, "So sorry guys. Time got away from us." She paused, blushing as she turned, "Toby."

"Hey, Spence." He replied smiling, holding the door open with his palms so that I could walk in before the boys.

Spencer was halfway up the stairs before the three of us had made it through the door, "We should be right down."

We gathered around Spencer's island glancing at each other awkwardly, despite being friends for years.

"You guys were right. This part is terrible." I broke the tension.

"What's terrible?" I heard her ask behind me.

Turning around, I couldn't help but grow speechless. I closed my eyes and nodded to keep every detail at the forefront. Opening my eyes again, I found Alison descending from the stairs with Spencer, Aria, and Hanna in tow though no one else mattered. Alison's hair was immaculately curled and pinned to one side as her royal blue strapless dress hugged her tightly in the bodice before loosening around her hips, leaving nothing to my imagination. She looked at me with a loving intensity and when our eyes met, she immediately looked away. I kept my eyes on her as I stepped forward nodding in understanding. She hit my arms moments later, tucking her head into my chest.

"Hello there, beautiful." I whispered, "You ready for some new memories?"

Alison took a deep breath before pulling away from my chest and placing her forehead on mine. "I can't wait." She whispered. A quiver in her voice gave away her hesitation.

Her blue eyes put me at ease instantaneously. Even in her fear and heartbreak, she was here ready to move forward. I placed a finger underneath her chin guiding her to my lips. As they cascaded against each other, I felt her hands come up to my face holding us closer. I let my hands linger down her back before wrapping them tightly around her waist, willing for her anxiety to melt away.

She pulled away briefly before pressing our lips together again, "Wait. Let me look at you, my love." She held me at arms' length before having me spin around in front of her. Though my floor-length silver one-sleeved gown took hours to find, I knew that when we walked into that hotel ballroom, all eyes would be on the woman before me. In Alison's eyes I looked gorgeous, but to everyone else, Alison DiLaurentis would be utterly jaw-dropping.

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