Chapter 19

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Winry's POV:

Lately, Lust's been visiting me quite frequently. I know she was initially using me to take out her "desires" on, but I think she's actually been connecting to me. She pretends to have the high ground when she's realistically quite emotional.

I feel like something similar happened between Ed and Envy. The sins weren't built for emotional connection, but it inevitably happened.

On my end, I like men. There's no way around that. The only thing I'm struggling with is the fact that I let Lust lead me on.
I think It's because I've been lacking attention (possibly from Ed).
Speaking of which, he hasn't come for his automail check the past three times. I'd suggest he forgot, but he's probably avoiding me.
I'm sure Ed knew I liked him. Actually, I still like him. I feel truly guilty for still having feelings, but I can't stop it.

"Hello, Winry" calls a seductive voice.

Lust always stops by when Granny is gone. She's shopping, and won't be back for a few hours.

"Hello. You know you can just stay here with us. I can't imagine where you could be living within 10 miles." I tell her. It's true, Granny likes to host. She's probably better off here anyway.

She looks a little taken aback, astounded that I'd even consider suggesting this.
She dismisses me. Instead she continues how she usually does.

"I see you've been baking." She says, peering into the house.

I've been preparing for Ed to come back.
For a checkup... of course.

The brisk wind pierces both our faces, and I invite her inside.

"What are you making...?" She asks. Recently, she's become way more casual with me.



She starts exploring the kitchen area.

"What's this for?" She asks, pointing to a bag on the ground.

"That's sugar. It sweetens the food."

"Ah. I've never exactly understood human cuisine. Why not just eat what's supplied? You put so much more effort into a simple task."

"Well... I'm not quite sure. Eating something tasty is pleasurable for some reason." I explain.

She continues wandering throughout the house.

"Lust" I call. "What do you want from me."

She turns to me with a spark of excitement in her eye.

"We've been over this. I will have fun with seducing you... it's been working."

I recoil.
"No it has not! I'm not even into girls!"

"You keep telling yourself that."

"But for real. What do you want from me. You keep claiming it's for 'fun' but all you do in your spare time is be with me."
This time, she recoils.

"Untrue. I just have time in my day. I choose to spend it as I want." She turns around, and leaves out the door without so much as a 'bye'.

As she leaves, I stare in silence. She sways with an inhuman purpose. Makes sense, after all she's homunculi.

Tonight, I sit back thinking about our exchange. I know she's totally insane, so why do I keep waiting for her to come back.

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