Chapter 23

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Ed's POV:

I am quite obviously shaken by these developments. I've completely cut ties with work. It's just not somewhere I want to be at the moment.
It's been over 24 hours. I don't think Envy's coming back.

It's not like he really had a choice- he's obligated to obey Father.
It's just the fact that it took this long to find out. Is he hiding more vital information from me?

I've been sitting in the apartment alone. So alone. I miss Envy and all his weird characteristics.

If only I had thought.
If I hadn't overreacted, Envy would be with me right now.
I'm trying my best not to self-blame. He is the one responsible. If he could've had some morals, I could have been made aware. He knew Hughes was close to me. He knew. Yet he withheld information.
He most likely realized it would hurt me. He never considered how much more hurt I am to find out this way.


As I'm laying here in bed, I contemplate. Do I stay here, waiting for the person who hurt me to come back?
That lead to another set of questions- one of which being should I visit Winry?
Its been a while, I'll admit. And we aren't exactly on great terms. She's jealous because I'm in a relationship, while she's not. I don't even know where my boyfriend is. For all I know, he could be across the country.

After a bit more thinking, I come to a decision. I should visit Winry. Besides, my automail needs some touch ups.

I fall asleep feeling good about my plan. She needs a familiar face, as do I.


I wake up and leave the apartment with such confidence. Nobody will be there for a while.
Just in case Envy decides to come back, I left a nice note on the counter explaining how I feel. Though I omitted where I'm going.

Once at the train station, I buy a ticket heading down toward her house.
God, I might even visit Mom.

Once I arrive, a flash of worry comes over me.
What will she say when she sees me? Will I explain my situation? All these worries escalate when I find myself on her front step.
I obediently knock, and footsteps come pounding.
The door opens.

"Ed?" Winry gapes at me. "What are you doing here... its been a while."

"Er- yeah. I just thought It'd be nice for a visit." I reply in honesty.

"Where's Al?"

"He- couldn't make it."

"Oh. Well, since you're here, we can touch up your automail."


I've been sitting in this fucking chair forever; Winry and I share uncomfortable small talk.

"So, how's Envy?" She questions.
There it is. The one inevitable question.

"What- is there a problem?" She continues.

I eventually break down. I tell everything.
My one, quite sad weakness is my inability to lie. Dishonesty is just so fucked.

"Ed- I- I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'll come back for you. I'm sure of it." She reassured.

"Thank you, Winry. I just think we both made shitty decisions recently. It's only fair to take a break."

She simply nods.


Once all is worked out, we go to bed. Its been a long day.

I hope whatever feelings Winry had for me have left.

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