Promoting the Hotel

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Tsuna had been adjusting to the chaos around Hell for a while, and no cards had appeared for three days.

It was as peaceful as it could get for Tsuna. If she didn't count the antics of the others in the Hotel.

However, because of that interview Tsuna heard about, she felt bad for Charlie. And Tsuna decided to do something about it.

Using one of her Clear Sky Cards, she was able to find a place where there was some demons just trying to get by, and not really engaging in any real form of crime or sin.

She decided to look for lost demons there.

The quiet area in Hell was known as Solitude Row. Where those who were forced in crime against their will went. Some even still practiced worshipping God, and they were still down in Hell for the smallest sin.

She has Flight to help her in case, along with Leon.

If she can convince some demons to come to the hotel, Charlie's effort wouldn't be in vain.

She noticed some demons looked forlorn, like the life was sucked out of them.

She began to feel a little tired, but her Hyper-Intuition kicked in at this.

A card spirit is in this town?

She looked up to see a strange looking girl on a cloud, which was sprinkling dust around the demons. She was making them tired!

Using Flight, she faced the girl and noticed she looked depressed.

"Excuse me?" The girl looked up, and noticed Tsuna, then had a scowl on her face.

She then attacked the Donna with some dust, but Tsuna got out of the way.

She knew this anguish. The belief she was abandoned.

Tsuna couldn't catch this one by force.

Tsuna relaxed and the girl gained a confused look.

"I'm sorry."

The girl looked to Tsuna with a surprised expression.

"I'm sorry my predecessors lost you. And never found you. They never thought you were in Hell, along with the others."

The girl floated down to the ground, knowing every word was true.

"But now I'm here. I came to find all of you. To help you." Tsuna smiled.

The girl walked to Tsuna with tears and Tsuna wiped them.

"You want to come with me? We'll find the others and return home. Together."

The girl smiled and nodded as her cloud shrank to fit in her hands.

Tsuna smiled and brought out her staff.

"Force without a master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and be one with my power. Secure!"

At that, the girl became a new card, eyes closed and smiling with a cloud in her hands.

"Lethargic. It would explain the drowsiness."

At that, the demons around Tsuna began looking around, all confused.

Then she noticed a demon priest, which is ironic.

"Father, are you alright?"

"Yes, I suppose. I don't know what-!" He said as he noticed Tsuna and had a look of realization on his face.

"Forgive me for asking, but are you related to Giotto?"

"Giotto? Yes, he was my ancestor. You knew him?"

"Yes. A good friend of mine. He always helped out with the church, and his vigilante group always supported our town when we were alive. But that changed when his nephew took over." The priest said with a sad look recalling how the power went to the Secondo's head.

"Why are you down here then?" Tsuna asked.

"...I suppose I felt like I was abandoned. Like the girl you talked to. I knew Giotto could decide what to do with his life. But to depart so far away..." The priest demon said.

Tsuna reached to hold his hand, and apologized to him, promising she'd return Vongola to its original directive.

The demon priest, or Father Louis, decided to accompany Tsuna to the hotel to try to be redeamed, along with 10 other demons, who wanted to get to Heaven.

Charlie could just burst with happiness as Tsuna introduced Father Louis and the other demons who were checking in. Some had a friend or a lost love in Heaven, or wanted to be reunited just for an apology. But they all had good reasons.

After getting everyone a suite, Alastor came by.

"Charlie? I noticed some sinners have checked in."

"Yup! Tsuna found some demons that actually want to go to Heaven! Isn't it great?!" Charlie squealed with happiness.

"...If they can be able to. But at least we finally have buisness!" Alastor said, already planning to scare the guests.

But after the first few times, those demons ran to Tsuna for protection, and she always used Lethargic on Alastor to slow him down. Even his shadows felt tired.

He thought it would be amusing having a human around to help, but he greatly underestimated Tsuna.

She even allowed Vaggie to borrow Rampage to ward him off in case.

His little chess game was facing obstacles, and was short on moves.

Tsuna was reminding him more of Haruko. He still remembered how he met her.

Haruko and her family were in America for a vacation and he stumbled upon her one day.

She was petite yet had the right amount of curves for a 16 year old maiden, with fair skin and hair.

She looked too perfect to be true. Even more with her manners.
She was so tempting...he had to make her murder a memorable work of art that could still catch her beauty.

He remembered back then the new prey that caught his eye and the temptations blinded him to his doom.

Haruko had volunteered to help a detective who suspected Alastor of being the 'New Orleans Butcher' for a while, but could never get enough evidence to prove it.

She never flirted with Alastor or even tempted him to sleep with her. She was so modest, so sincere, so...her.
He found himself enjoying her company, looking forward to a talk with her.

But then he learned something that almost made him frown for the first time in a long time.

She was already set to marry another man 5 years her senior by their parents, but he was also a childhood friend, so it worked out for them.

Alastor didn’t know that until he learned Haruko was returning home the next day for her engagement. It felt like something shattered in him, because he really enjoyed Haruko's company. Seeing that bright smile on her face as she talked of her fiancé made that feeling worse.

As Haruko was asleep in her room, Alastor crept to her rent home in the woods with an ax in hand. He had to score the kill now cause he waited too long.

But...he was hesitating.

Why did it feel different for him to bring harm to just this one maiden?!

But he had little time to think as he didn't expect the ambush the detective had waiting for him.

And the rest is history.
Alastor came back to the present, his smile strained.

He has a new game to contend with, but, like before, why did his insides twist unpleasantly at the thought of harming Tsuna?

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