Two Lucifers!?

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"Guys!" Charlie yelled, looking a little nervous.

At that the others looked over.

"What is it?" Vaggie asked her girlfriend.

"My parents said they'll be paying a visit! Maybe dad has come around on my idea, but I don't really know what he'll say." Charlie said as Alastor came from behind.

"So the king of Hell is coming by? It's been a long time since I last saw him! We'll have to make sure he'll have a hell of a welcome!" The deer demon said.

Tsuna smiled from her place at the desk as she was checking in a new guest, a female that looked to be made of crystal, but was mostly human in appearance. They were also mute, which confused Tsuna to how she would manage here.

But she would help however she can.

Although, something else was on her mind. For a while, Alastor had been avoiding Tsuna, maybe because the Desire incident made him uncomfortable. Though he would get into other people's personal space, he had a five-foot rule to not touch him. The young sky user wondered if he had been touch starved or something.

Though it was concerning when he maintained his distance with her since he broke his own rule under Desire's influence.


Oh, that must be the king and queen. Truth be told, Tsuna was nervous.

She was dressed in a simple light red dress and apron Rosie made for her like in Alice in Wonderland, only the color was different. And made sure the fake fangs and ears were in place.

The door was opened by Vaggie.

"Hi mom, dad!" Charlie greeted them.

Tsuna took a good look at the couple, and they looked nothing like she thought.

One was a woman, Charlie's mom, a tall woman, exceeding both her husband and daughter in height, with pale skin, long blonde hair and silverish eyes. She also had a pair of horns (a trait her husband, ironically, lacks) which noticeably differ depending on the image. She also wore a black dress which showed off her figure and chest. Tsuna knew that there were women up on Earth that would kill to be that attractive.

The other was a male, who Tsuna percived as Lucifer, wore a white suit, black bowtie, and a red undershirt. He also had a white hat, with a purple snake and red apple on the brim, With an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat. His eyes are yellow, with black pupils. He, like Charlie, has red cheeks and his eyelids are purple and give the appearance of eyeshadow.

As the couple greeted their daughter Lucifer looked around and his eyes landed on Tsuna making stiffen.

Charlie noticed, and walked over to Tsuna.

"Oh right! Mom, dad, this Tsuna. The one I told you about. It's thanks to her we've been able to rehabilitate a few demons. She's our therapy specialist." Charlie introduced the young donna.

"...Interesting. We actually saw your feat saving the Ragdoll overlord on the news and thought you were a new Overlord with a hero-complex." Lucifer smiled.

"Oh, no not at all! I'm not interested in conflicts or anything like that! In fact I'm hoping to get out of Hell myself once this hotel completely takes off." Tsuna smiled. "I'm just doing what I can to help."


Did she say something weird?

Then Lilith put her hands on Tsuna's cheeks and smiled.

"Oh, you must be the most adorable being I've seen since Charlie was born." Lilith smiled.

Lucifer chuckled at his wife's expression.

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.
But then something odd began occuring.

Though Lucifer had stuck around his wife the whole time, Husk, Angel and even Niffty said they've been seeing him around the bar, the library and even the other areas of the hotel without her.

Tsuna quickly figured out it was a card spirit.

But it was too late for a warning when Lucifer came face to face with his doppelganger back in the lobby.

Even Lilith was confused!

"Your grace, quickly ask them one thing you know he'll answer to." Tsuna whispered.

Lilith quickly asked the Lucifers what he thought of the hotel at first. One looked nervous at that, while the other quickly said he thought it was a great idea.

"Wrong answer." Alastor's voice came up as a tentacle hit the imposter.

Their true form was released, as a man in a black top hat and tuxedo with half their face covered by a mask.

Then crystals appeared from nowhere to trap the man.

The mute crystal woman came up with a smile.

"Wait are you...?" Tsuna asked as the woman nodded.

Lucifer and Lilith both looked confused, then surprised when Tsuna took out her staff.

"Forces without a master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and be one with my power. Secure!"

The two beings vanished and became new cards.

Mimic and Crystal.

Finally, Lucifer spoke up.

"Alright, now I know how those beings vanished like that, but what exactly are you Tsuna?" He asked.

Tsuna and Charlie looked at each other nervously. "We definitely have some explaining to do."

"Well, for one..." Tsuna said as she took off the fake ears and fangs.

"I'm still human. I'm called a Cardcaptor."
Tsuna and Charlie explained the human girl's situation and why she was collecting the cards. The king and queen of Hell were surprised when Charlie said that these cards could even rival an Overlord.

"These beings can beat an overlord or have them under an influence?" Lucifer asked.

"Yeah, you can ask the Three Vs and even Alastor. They gave them quite a run for their money." Charlie piped in.

"Well, it would explain a few things." Lilith said with a smile. "So, how many people know you're human?"

"Well, aside from those of the hotel, there are 10 others. So, only a handful." Tsuna admitted.

To their surprise, Charlie's parents said they would keep an eye out for any more oddities in Hell and alert Tsuna.

So, despite the unexpected surprises,  the King and Queen's visit went well.
A cloaked figure was outside the hotel.

"So one of Clow's descendants is finally here. I just hope she finds all the Dusk cards before they find out."
Alright everyone! 12 cards down, only 15 to go!
We got:
Rampage for Wrath
Lethargic for Sloth
Desire for Lust
Mimic for Envy

All that's left is cards for Gluttony, Pride, and Greed

I will also need suggestions on cards for fire, water, earth, and air.

Next chapter will have Alastor again, but I will need an idea to have him closer with Tsuna since he's still trying to avoid her.

Plz comment!

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