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Remus and Tonks stayed a bit longer, helping Molly and Arthur to put out the fire. Fred and George gave their parents some money to help them rebuild the burrow faster. At first, they didn't want to take the money, but after a lot of convincing, they accepted. They tried to save whatever they could. It was a long night, and everyone was tired.

After the Christmas celebration and the horrible event, Fred, Irena, and Alek went to the flat.

While George went to visit Rue. Irena handed George a present she had gotten for Rue. Alek was sleeping in his room. Irena was putting all his new toys away and finding more room for the clothes he got for Christmas. He even got a book from Hermione. Because she said that it's never too early to learn. "Maybe it could be Aleks bedtime story. He would be so bored he could fall asleep," said Fred looking at the book. Irena smiled at him and playfully hit him on the shoulder.

The few days before new years Fred and George and sometimes Irena with Alek spent their days at the shop. It was a good distraction, but Irena didn't feel safe. She was mostly scared for the safety of her son.

The days she was at the shop, she got paranoid; she didn't know if they were going to attack the shop. She saw some wizards who were being a bit secretive. She started to over-think that maybe they were death eaters trying to hurt them or recruit them.

George went with Rue and her family to welcome the New Year. Irena and Fred stayed at the flat with Alek. Because the Burrow wasn't finished, and the rest of the Weasleys spent New Year with Irena and Fred. It was a surprise for Irena as Fred didn't tell her.

They were a bit crowded; the flat wasn't that big. They had dinner late at night. Molly had brought food that she had made earlier that day. The kitchen at the Burrow was one of the first things they wanted to fix.

Irena set the mashed potatoes she had made on the table next to the rest of the food Molly had made.

When it was time to eat, some were able to eat at the small table Fred and George had while others had to eat standing up. 

Fred added more mashed potatoes to his plate. "Do you want more," Fred asked Irena. Irena could only nod since her mouth was full of food.

Molly and Arthur were talking about how the Burrow was looking. Fred was talking about how the shop is going; Irena smiled and nodded; she didn't have much to add. Ron and Harry were whispering about something.

Midnight was getting closer, and Alek had just gone to sleep. He was sleeping in his crib with the door of his room open to hear if he cries.

Just a few more seconds were left to welcome 1997. Irena was happy to spend it with Fred and his family. She was fortunate to have her son with her even though she did not imagine she would have a child with Fred Weasley, but she wasnt mad about it.


Fred got Irena's hand, and he started to walk a bit far from his family. Irena looked at their intertwined hands and smiled. "This has been one of my favorite years," said Fred, smiling at Irena. "Mine too."


Fred was standing in front of Irena.


Irena's eyes were locked on his. She noticed how truly beautiful his eyes were and all the freckles he had on his face. She never gave much attention to all the small details of Freds beautiful face, but now she was mesmerized and couldn't look away.


He looked at her lips that he had kissed a few times. He liked how her lips felt on his. Fred felt hypnotized looking at her; he was surprised when Irena placed her hands on both sides of his cheek and kissed him. He moved his hand to her lower back. Their lips connected like a puzzle piece perfect for each other. Their lips moved in sync.

They broke apart, both of them having the biggest smile on their faces. Fred kissed her back more deeply.

The year 1996 was a year Irena was not going to forget. She couldn't wait for what 1997 would bring. As long she was with Fred and Alek, she knew things were good.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now