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Their day turned out to not be so bad Alek seemed proud of his food even though he left after 15 minutes of helping out.

He got bored and wanted to do something else. He looked around and saw his uncle Ron and started crawling after him. "Why is he following me," said Ron walking away from Alek, who had a small on his face still following after his uncle.

Ginny walked up to where Alek was and carried him. She brought Alek closer to Ron.

Seeing Ron Alek smile at him. "Hi," Ron said to Alek, looking awkwardly at him. Fred and George laughed at him.

"What am I supposed to say to him his a baby; he doesn't do much." Alek's smile dropped hearing the tone of Ron's voice.

"Look what you did," Ginny said to Ron. "I didn't do anything," Ron said defensively.

"You better not make my son cry," Fred said to Ron pointing his finger at him and looking at him seriously.

"I'm leaving," Ron said, going to walk up the stairs.

"Aaahh," said Alek looking at Ron over Ginnys shoulder.

"It seems he wants you," Ginny said, walking up to Ron. Ron looked at Ginny and Alek. "I don't want to," he whispered to his younger sister.

"Come on, Ron, don't be like that to my son; he doesn't bite," Fred said. "Actually, he does," said Irena. Rons eyes widened, and he took a step back, looking at Alek in horror.

Since Aleks teeth were coming out, he was teething, and sometimes he would bite your arm to try to relieve the pressure he felt on his gums.

"It doesn't hurt, but your arm will be covered in saliva," Irena said after noticing Rons face.

Ginny had a big smile on her face "come on, Ronald, carry him," she told her older brother. Ron was forced to carry his nephew.

He was carrying him, and Alek rested his head on Rons chest.

"See, it's not that bad," Fred said. "I guess not," Ron said.

Alek lifted his head; Ron smiled at him and started to move his index finger in front of Alek. He was following Rons finger with his eyes.

Irena was going to tell him not to do that to Alek since it was a new thing he started to do.

"Ow, he bit my finger," Ron said. His finger was covered in drool, and you could see the tiniest mark of his teeth on Rons finger.

"He could have taken my finger off," Ron said dramatically, putting Alek on the floor.

Alek moved his arms up, wanting Ron to carry him again. "No," Ron said, looking at Alek and pointing at him, but he quickly moved his finger away from him.

Ron left, he went up the stairs, and you could hear as he shut the door of his room.

"Ignore uncle Ronald," Fred said to his son as he carried him.

Alek got ahold of Freds hand and brought it to his mouth. "No, no, don't bite dads fingers."

Ginny kissed Alek on top of his head. "Goodnight, Alek, thank you for that," Ginny said with a smile. She waved to her brothers and Irena goodbye.

"It's getting late; I guess we have to go," Fred said as Alek let out a yawn, followed by George also yawning.

Once the four of them were at the flat, George said goodnight and kissed Alek on his cheek, who was already asleep; after saying goodnight, he went to his room.

Slowly trying not to wake Alek up, Fred placed him in his crib. Alek moved a bit, trying to get comfortable.

Fred closed the door a little and went to his room where Irena was changing.

Fred hugged her from behind as she was putting on her shirt. He kissed her on her collarbone.

Irena smiled as she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the lips.

Not breaking the kiss, they moved back to the bed. Irena was on top of Fred as they continued to kiss.

Fred broke the kiss and looked at her; he had a big smile on his face. "I love you, Irena," Fred said, connecting their lips once again.

Their lips moved in sync as it has done over and over. They have kissed multiple times in the last year or so that they have been together, and she loves the feeling it gives her every time. She loves the feeling she gets in her stomach every time he touches her, kisses her, or even looks at her.

Fred Weasley makes her feel the best she has ever felt.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now