Chapter 17

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I'm so sorry about the long wait! 😫 I got stuck at a certain part and it was giving me such writer's block that it was holding me back! I hope you all like this chapter!

Blindly running down the hall crying you accidentally ran into Arvid who immediately cringed at your crying as you fell back. “Fuck. Why are you crying kid?” Arvid asked as you looked up at him. Speaking incoherently you started hiccuping making the doctor scratch the back of his neck. “Shit I didn't get any of that. Okay let's go find Thorn, he’ll know how to calm you down.” Arvid muttered picking you up and headed straight for the kitchen. Sniffling and hiccuping you tightly held onto the soft fur coat the orange haired man was wearing as he turned into the kitchen. “Oi cook, the girl came running down the hall crying fix it.” Arvid said making the pleather wearing man turn with a frown. “Damn it I'm not a babysitter! Why do you always come to me when (Name)’s upset?” Thorn grumbled turning the stove down before moving to take you from the ginger haired man. “Okay Kitten what's the matter this time?” He asked lightly petting your hair. Hiccuping as you rubbed your eyes. "Big brothers are scary! I don't wanna disappear or listen to Jacob anymore!" You yelled getting both men to raise an eyebrow then turn to each other just as Killer walked in holding Jacob by his collar who was groaning and clutching the top of his head. "Jacob told her a bogus story about Heats room out of jealousy. Hand her over I'll take care of it." Killer said dropping the cabin boy to walk over and take you from Thorn. Holding onto him tightly you hid in his hair. "Wh-where are we going?" You asked still sniffling as Killer left the kitchen and headed down the hall. "We're visiting Heat." Killer stated already knocking on the bluettes door. Ears flicking then dropping as the door creaked open you tighten your hold on Killer. "Killer? (Name)? What's going on?" Heat asked as Killer forcefully pulled you away from him getting you to dig your claws into his shirt making you scratch holes into it along the way. "Jacob was playing with her but she wanted to leave and play with you. So Jacob made up a story to scare her away from coming near you." Killer said handing you over to Heat who blinked and looked down at you noticing that your eyes were tightly shut and that you were slightly shaking. "I'm on lookout duty so keep an eye on her." Killer said getting the sad looking man to blink and nod. "Alright, I'll keep an eye on her." Heat said as Killer walked away making you let out a small whimper as Heat closed the door and set you down on his bed. Using your hands to cover your eyes your ears stayed flat against your head, when you heard Heat start to shuffle around the room. Getting more and more curious as to what he was doing your fingers started to twitch as you thought of peaking when Heat suddenly sat down making you bounce forcing you to move your hands away from your face to keep your balance. Blinking at the ordinary looking room you turned to look around when the shelf hanging behind you caught your attention. Squeaking at the drying severed heads you turned to Heat who was putting a few things away in a nearby night stand. “Their a gift for a woman I like on Black Beach Island. (Totally made that up)” Heat said making you blink. “Are they real?” You asked carefully standing on the bed to look at them closely. Nodding as he moved to kneel next to you. “They are. This newer one right here, is one of the pirates that attacked the ship yesterday.” Heat said taking the newest head off the spike holding it in place to hand to you. Blinking at it you turned it every which way and looked at the hole in the throat before turning to the bits in the middle of the head. “Why's it sewed here?” You asked pointing at the sewed area hidden with in the hair on the back of the head, getting Heat to take the head from you. "I took the brain out from there. It's easy to dry the skin out but the brain just rots." Heat explained putting the head back on the spike. Turning to the night stand you tilted your head. "What's in there?" You asked making Heat turn to the drawer and look at you. Humming Heat took out a large sketchbook and carefully handed it to you. “What's in here?” You asked flipping the page to look at a very detailed drawing of a woman. “That's Ivory, the woman the heads are for.” Heat explained as you flipped through the pages getting different angles and portraits of the said woman when you flipped to a nude image of her. Slightly freezing at the page Heat cleared his throat as he moved to take the sketchbook back wordlessly. “No! I wanna see more, she's pretty!” You squealed holding the book tighter when the bluette tried to take the book. “These images are not appropriate for you.” Heat said easily taking the sketchbook back making you pout at him. “But she's pretty! And how are the pictures bad? She looks just like mommy when we took baths together.” You said pointing at the drawing making Heat clear his throat again “There's uh, there's more to some of these drawings that your not allowed to see until your older.” Heat said quickly getting up to put the sketchbook away on a high bookshelf. Pouting you crossed your arms and turned away from Heat when he turned back to you. Sighing Heat went to his nightstand and opened the draw to grab paper and charcoal before sitting against the headboard with his leg propped up to support the paper. Hearing light scratching your ear twitched making you glance over to Heat and see his eyes continuously flick back and forth between you and the paper. “What are you doing?” You asked making a small smirk appear on the fire breathers face. “I'm drawing you little one.” He said making you tilt your head curiously.

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