Chapter 25

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Sitting across from you with her arms and legs crossed, Ivory stared you down. Tilting your head your tail flicked lightly on the stool you were sitting on. "So let me get this straight. Captain Eustass Kid brought a child on board his ship?" Ivory asked, making you nod once, as your attention moved to a displayed dried head's on the top shelf of the bluettes store. "I don't believe it tha-" Unable to finish as she jumped in slight surprise when the store's door suddenly was thrown open, both you and Ivory turned to the person who came barging in. Freezing at Heats worried look, you gulped when he locked eyes with you. Ears flattening against your head as you shrunk into your shoulders. "Hhhiii big brother." You greeted slowly hoping that you wouldn't be in trouble as he rushed over. Squeaking as he picked you up and held you tightly against him in a crushing hug, Ivory quickly stood from her seat. "Heat! Oh shit, she really is part of the crew, then." The electric bluette said walking over to the sad looking man. Turning to his lover with a relieved look as she crossed her arms and tilted her head. "You know you should keep a better eye on this one. There's been a lot of slave traders around lately." Ivory said as she moved to follow the fire breather. Nodding "We know, Killer told her not to leave the ship without an escort. Boss! I found her!" Heat said before yelling over to the angered redheaded captain who was yelling at his crewmen to scatter and search the island. Unable to speak with how tightly you were being held, you whimpered when Kid snatched you by the back of the neck. "Why the fuck are you on the island?! Do you want to become a fucking slave!?" Kid roared, getting you to tear up as Killer came boltong up. Quickly taking you from Kid, your tail wrapped around your leg when you felt Killers angry look from behind his mask. "I thought I told you to stay on the ship." Killer hissed, putting you down to cross his arms. Shaking as tears rolled down your face, you started to hiccup as you cried and held onto your dress. "But Arvid brought me! He wanted, wanted m-me to act cute to-to get the pretty gir-rls to talk to him! B-but he went with Cherry! They, they wanted to play a game together and left me with the other pretty ladies!" You cried tightly gripping your dress as you tried to clear the tears away as the Kid Pirates around you twiched at Arvids name. "Aye, is the bart telling the truth?" Kid hissed, turning to Ivory who raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, she came into my shop with the local strippers and hookers." Ivory said pointing at you as you tried to stop crying. Roughly wiping your eyes, you sucked in several breaths when Kid picked you up and handed you over to Ivory. "We have some business to take care of, see if you can't get her to fit better with my crew." Kid ordered getting the electric bluette to roll her eyes. "First of all I'm not part of your crew so dont fucking order me around. And secondly you go charging into Mrs. Cocoa's boutique like you're planning too. You're going to find more than you bargained for." Ivory said as she shifted you onto her hip as the scarred redhead tsked before smirking. "This is the New World dumbass. Doesn't matter what we're going up against, we're going to come out on top." Kid said, turning in the direction of the whore house with Killer sighing and pulling out a wad of Berri. "Take care of her while we're busy. This is for the clothes. Like Kid said we want everyone who sees her to know who she is affiliated with." Killer said lightly running a hand through your hair before following his captain along with Heat and Wire. Watching your daddy and papa leave you turned to the punk looking woman as she eyed you and the berri in her hand before sighing and turning back to head to her shop. Putting you down on a stool as she tilted her head Ivory tapped her chin. "They want you to look like the rest of the crew, huh?" She muttered, pulling your dress up and off before turning to a sketch pad. Hearing your money bag and new dagger hit the floor with your dress. Your tail flicked as your ears stayed flat against your head making you look down guiltily. "Am I in trouble?" You asked the punk woman who glanced back at you before grabbing a tape measure. Squatting down to measure you again so your new outfit could be skin tight. "Nah, you're not. But Arvid sure as hell is." Ivory said as she stood and walked over to a sewing table and grabbed the full grain leather to begin your new attire. Tilting your head your tail swung curiously as you watched the corseted woman work before glancing at your discarded dress. "Can I put my dress back on now?" You asked, getting the gothic woman to turn to you and raise a brow as she looked you up and down for a second. "No, in fact you can drop those boxers too. I'll make you some new and better panties to wear instead." Ivory said as you looked down at the boxers Killer let you use. Shrugging you slipped off of the stool and took off the striped boxers before walking over to the seamstresses work table to watch what she was doing. "Aren't you going to hurt yourself?" You asked as the tattooed bluette forced the needle through the fabric. "Hhmm? Oh nah I've been sewing clothes and working with my hands for so long, that I don't really feel when I stab myself with the needle any more." Ivory said as you nodded "Moma made me my dresses too but she always wore thimbles so she wouldn't prick herself." You said getting Ivory to pause and look down at you. "So hey, mind telling me how you ended up with Kid and his crew?" Ivory asked as you looked off to the side letting your ears drop at the memory of your mother leaving you behind.

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