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Hello all, I'm happy to see you here, lol. How y'all feeling? Just wanted to chat for a sec, I feel so discouraged with writing this book, and idk why.😞 anyway stay blessed and prayed up!

               — nizzy🤍


"Okay just let me know when you guys are leaving the airport, bye." Yuri hung up the phone and slid the pan into the oven.

It had officially been two weeks since Yuri had moved into her apartment, and she was loving every minute of it. All the nerves of her moving on her own were gone and she was happier than ever.

Her parents were flying in today to visit, and they were staying for a week. Yuri was happy to have her family coming to see her, but she was also nervous about telling her dad about her relationship with Devin.

As she left the food in the oven to stay warm, she ran to take a quick shower and get dressed.

"Oh! Look at my baby, you are so beautiful." Diana pulled Yuri into a tight hug as soon as the door was opened.

"Hey ma." Yuri laughed swaying from side to side. "Somebody missed me."

"Of course, look at you. You gettin' a lil thick." She spun Yuri around, making her dad side eye her.

"Daddy, what's the matter? I get no love?" Yuri released her mother and moved around to be in front of Jerome.

"Nah, just a long day of traveling that's all. But what's up lady," he kissed her forehead and squeezed her tight, "you still short as hell." He teased.

"Ha ha, very funny. Let me show you your room, mom I'll take your luggage."

After showing Diana and Jerome around the apartment, they all got washed up for dinner and sat at the table.

"This is amazing, I see you learned something from ya ole' man." Diana winked at Jerome.

He was a chef that people from all over booked for events, parties, or anything else. Jerome was well known for his famous restaurant in Atlanta that everyone loved, especially Yuri.

"I guess," Yuri moved the food around on her plate with the fork, not really in the mood to eat.

"Something wrong?" Jerome spoke up, noticing the sudden change in Yuri's attitude.


"What happened with you and ole' dude?" He took a sip from his cup watching Yuri's face as it flushed with embarrassment.

"Ma!?" She held her hands up.

"What? Don't look at me, I didn't say a thing." She did the sealed lips gesture with her hand.

"Girl you think I'm stupid, you showed me around this whole house and not an item in here belongs to a man." He wiped the sides of his mouth, pushing his plate back and leaning on the table with his elbows, "so what happened, and don't lie to me Ri."

She sighed and realized that she wasn't getting out of this conversation, and she knew better than to leave out anything. So she went on to explaining everything, front to back.

"Wow. I need a minute." Diana stood up wiping under her eyes, not knowing the full story prior to this.


"Yuri, why? Why wouldn't you tell me? Was it fear?" Jerome was genuinely confused and he wanted to know what was holding his daughter back from being open with him about a situation like that.

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