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3 weeks later

I tapped my finger against the glass trying to get a brown and white pit bull to come over to me.

"He's so cute, I want that one but he won't even pay me any attention." I pouted and slumped my shoulders.

"I think you should get somethin' small to start with, you know you've never had a dog before." Cydney tapped away on her phone.

After looking at the puppies for about an hour longer, I decided that I would just wait a little while before getting a dog.

I scrunched my face up and dug through my salad, "This has blue cheese in it."

I waved our waiter down and waited for him to come to the table, he was a little busy so I wasn't rushing him.

"Hi, is something wrong with you ladies' food?" He clasped his hands together giving me his undivided attention.

"Umm, there's blue cheese in my salad and I requested for it to be removed."

"Oh I'm sorry about that, I specifically told them not to put that in your salad, again I apologize and if it was me in the kitchen, it wouldn't have happened." He quickly grabbed my salad with a smile.

I loved how polite he was, and how he didn't have an attitude because I complained about my food, we ain't see too much of that in New York.

"I know it's not your fault, and I wouldn't make it a big deal but I just really dislike blue cheese, it makes me extremely sick."

"Well in that case, I'll be right out with a fresh one, and don't worry about it on the bill." He gave a final smile before walking away towards the kitchen.

"He was nice, he was cute, and he was definitely feeling you." Cydney said as she flipped through her papers.

"I'm not looking for a man, Cyd." I groaned.

"You may not be, but I'm looking for one for you."

"Why did you bring all of this shit with you to a lunch date." I looked over one of the papers trying to figure out what she was so into on these papers.

"Well," she smiled before flipping her hair over her shoulders, "it's a contract."


"There's this guy that finds me really attractive, and wants me to model his clothes for him." She applied lip gloss to her lips. "But I ain't no dummy, this contract is lame as hell." She pushed the papers to the side.

"Don't you think you need a lawyer? Just in case some janky shit is going on." I thanked the waiter as he placed my fresh salad in front of me.

"I'm not signing it, I'm just playing along with him because he fine as hell. I guess he thinks every pretty face comes with a little brain, but not this one."

"Typical." I looked at my ringing phone on the table and smiled once I saw Dave was calling.

"Uh-oh, it's bae o'clock." She teased me.

"Hello." I rolled my eyes at Cydney with a small laugh.

"Damn, I miss that voice."

When Night Falls |DAVE EAST F.F|Where stories live. Discover now