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I placed the card on the table, waiting for Reina to throw out a card. I had one left, but she only had two.

"Uno, uno out!" She slammed the yellow 3 down and held out her hand. "That'll be 20 bucks for kickin' your butt three times in a row."

I dug in my pocket, but I only had one hundred dollar bills on me. "You got change?"

"Yep, she snatched the 100 from me, I just changed this from your hand, to mine." She got up and ran upstairs.

Too lazy to get up and chase her, I figured I'd just let her keep it, I'm sure she could use the money. She never had to buy anything when she was with me, I got her on the food, shoes, and clothes. She didn't have to spend a dime if she didn't want to, and I made sure to make that clear to her.

It was Friday evening, and we had been playing uno since Reina got home from school earlier. My stomach began to growl, and I remembered that I was so busy at the shop today, that I didn't even eat.

Going to the refrigerator, I pulled out some chicken wings and the stuff needed to make spaghetti.

After four hours, the food was done and Reina and I were seated at the table eating.

"This is so good uncle D." She shook her head slowly with her eyes closed, like she was savoring the flavor.

I chuckled a little before thanking her and digging back into my plate.

"We never got to talk about what you said the other day." I wiped my mouth and picked up my cup of sprite taking a sip.

"I say a lot of things." She smiled innocently.

"About Yuri."

"So you two are dating?"

"No we're not dating, we just happened to spend a little time together." I explained.

She pushed her plate away from her and crossed her arms. "I sound like a broken record, I should just leave,"

"And go where?"

"To grandma Gloria's house! You obviously have more important things on your mind than me, so I should just go." She left the table and stormed to her room.

"I'm not fit for this shit." I blew out a breath and began cleaning the table.

Just when I was about to call my bro Saeed, my phone lit up with his name flashing across the screen.

"I was just about to hit you up, what you on?" I leaned against the kitchen counter and started rolling a blunt.

"Shit, I'm in the house bored as hell. You tryna hit up Club Passion tonight?"

I stopped in the middle of what I was doing, thinking about going. "Uhh, man ion know. I got Reina here wit' me and ion want her here by herself so late."

"I feel you bro, just hit me up if somethin' changes, I'm about to pick Ralph up now."

"Ight, bet." I hung up and finished pearling my blunt.

I was so ready to smoke, I needed to take my mind off of the situation at hand, because I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Reina's not happy, and Yuri acting more stand-offish than usual.

I soon heard things being dragged down the stairs, and then came Reina's little body.

"My grandma Gloria is about to come get me, I brought enough stuff for like a week." She mumbled.

"If that's what you wanna do, love." I finished some final touches in the kitchen and turned the lights off.

We waited for a half an hour before my mom showed up. She came in and talked to me for a little while to get an understanding of Reina's feelings, she didn't want me to feel a type of way. Which I didn't, I'm sure my mom could help figure her out before I could, I'm all new to this care taking shit.

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