Chapter 22 - The notes

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Alissa's POV

I wrapped the towel around my body as I walked out of the shower.

I saw a bouquet of peonies as I walked into my room. I smiled happily and walked towards the table. I took the bouquet and smelt them. There was a note in it.

My romantic fiancée. I commented with my inner voice, smiling.

My expression changed as I read the note.

'It is your last chance to leave this country. You don't belong to this life nor Marcus.'

I put the bouquet on the table. There was a tight knot formed in my throat. It was the second warning I had gotten. When I got the first one, I didn't tell Marcus about it. I didn't pay any attention to it; I thought it was one of his crazy fans, but it seemed it was serious. I should tell Marcus about these.

After putting on my clothes, I grabbed the note and went to Marcus's room. I knocked on the door and walked in.

When he saw me, he smiled and approached me

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When he saw me, he smiled and approached me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Did you miss me?" He asked mischievously, trailing his fingertip along my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Umm...Yes, but..." I breathed deeply, pulling back and took the note out of my pocket. He gave me a puzzled look. "I received it today with flowers." I informed.

He took the note as he gave me a questioning look. His expression changed when he read the note. His jaw clenched as he tensed up.

"I received another note a week ago as well." I informed.

"What?!" He snapped, full of worry in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, clenching his fist.

"I didn't pay attention to it. I thought it was an empty threat." I replied.

"What?! They aren't empty threats." He snapped. "Alissa, you should be careful. You are my fiancée. And believe me these kinds of threats are not things that you can ignore." He stated firmly.

"Marcus, calm down. There are 24/7 securities with me. I am safe. Don't worry." I reassured him.

He gave me a mocking laugh. "Alissa, believe me. If they managed to send these notes to you, then you are not safe enough." He commented firmly. "I will increase the securities.

"No, Marcus!" I protested. "There are enough securities following me everywhere." I reminded.

I knew when Marcus found out about it, he would do it. It was one of the reasons why I didn't want to tell him about it.

"It is out of question, Alissa. I will increase the securities." He stated with an authoritarian tone. I frowned. "And I have to talk to them as well. They have to give me a good explanation where they were looking when someone managed to put this in your room." He said angrily.

I breathed deeply and walked closer to him. I placed my hand on his cheek and stroked it gently. He sighed, closing his eyes.

"Marcus, calm down. I know you are worried about me, but..."

"I can not bear it if anything happens to you because of me." He cut me off as he hugged me tightly, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

I smiled and hugged him back. I stroked his hair as I said. "Don't worry, Marcus. Nothing will happen to me."

He sighed as he pulled back. He cupped my cheek and brushed his lips against mine.

Marcus's POV

I was checking my new charity project in the study room.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said as I put my pen down on the desk.

The door opened and Alissa walked in. She looked furious. It must be related to the securities. She didn't like that I had increased the securities.

"Don't you think it is too much? I can't even walk in the garden without securities. What can happen to me in the palace?!" She snapped in frustration as she folded her arms over her chest. "I feel too protected." She added, giving me a dirty look.

I grinned, amused. She looked so cute while she was angry.

"Ok. I admit I exaggerated a little." I confessed as I stood up and approached her.

"A little?" She raised her eyebrow, giving me a sarcastic look.

I rolled my eyes. "OK, so much." I replied and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "I am worried about you." I confessed.

She sighed as she placed her hands on my chest.

"I know. But you shouldn't worry this much. There is nothing new from them. Probably, it was one of your crazy fans." She said, giving me a compassionate smile.

I breathed deeply and nodded. "OK, I will talk to them and decrease them a little." I informed.

"A little? But Marcus..."

"No, Alissa!" I cut her off as she tried to protest. "It isn't up for discussion. You will have securities." I stated firmly.

She frowned and nodded. "OK." She muttered.

I smiled as I cupped her cheek. "Come on. Now give me my kiss." I said playfully and winked at her.

She grinned and kissed me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me as I deepened the kiss, pressing my bulge against her stomach. She moaned as I pulled her lower lip between my teeth.

Today, there was a charity polo match. I was going to participate as well. Alissa was accompanying me for the first time as my official fiancée. She felt so nervous, but I tried to assure her that everything would be perfect.

I held her hand and placed it on my thigh as I gave her a reassuring smile. We were in the car, heading to the venue.

"Relax! Everything will be fine." I reassured her. She nodded, giving me a nervous smile.

I was looking at Alissa who was playing with my cousin's four years old daughter while Roland was telling George and me about his last trip.

Everyone really liked her. She was adorable. I was proud of her. I loved this woman so much.

My father approached me. I excused myself and walked towards him.

"Good choice!" He said, giving me a proud smile while looking at Alissa and tapped my shoulder. I gave him a radiant smile.

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