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( 1067 words)


My phone started to ring, "sorry guys, I gotta take this call," I said, taking my phone out of my pocket. Stephen nodded before turning back to talk to hosuh.

I stepped outside and closed the door before answering the phone "Daniel!" I heard a voice from the phone say, "Jay?"

"Ay, yea, turns out that I'll be in town today and tomorrow, you guys wanna hang out while I'm there?" "Oh yea, sure, we were actually gonna go on a trip to a nearby haunted house- if that's cool with you?" "Oh yea that's perfectly fine, dan. We gonna prank hosuh and Steven?" "How'd you know?" I said with a smile, snickering a bit.

"Ohhh, what's the plan??" "Well,-" I said, making sure to move farther away from the door "I was thinking, that we scare them- cliche- I know, but it's worth it, let's see how tough Stephen really is." I laughed.

"I'll tell you what to do once you get here and get ready to go to the haunted house." "Nicccceeeee, alright sounds good, I'll be there around lunch time" "Alright jay, see you later today." "Okay, cya" jay hung up, and I couldn't help but smile, this outta be fun.

I opened the door and walked back inside, Stephen was chilling on the couch, watching tv while hosuh was making some sort of drink in the kitchen, which I believe was tea.

"So, who was it?" Stephen asked, still facing the tv. "Oh yea, right, so Jays coming to visit us."

Stephen slightly stood up and faced Dan from the couch "Jays coming???? Finally, it's been a while that There was someone as awesome as Stephen in this house!" Stephen said excitedly.

Hosuh laughed, "oh no, with you and jay here, this house will go up in flames in a matter of minutes." God was that true, those two are a chaotic duo. I laughed along with hosuh.

"Well when will he be here??" Stephen asked
"He'll be here around lunch, and we'll go to the haunted house on at sundown, ya know, for it to be extra spoopy."

Hosuh turned around to face them, a worried expression on his face "are you guys sure? Wouldn't it be cold-" "being cold is the worst of your worries?" Stephen asked, "well no.." hosuh mumbled.

"hosuh, you'll be fine, you can use dan as a shield if a ghost comes for you." Stephen laughed. "Har, har, Stephen, very funny." I said, slightly laughing.

3rd person view

Hosuh took a sip from his new cup of freshly brewed tea, he didn't have a preference on which tea he should drink, he simply drank it when he had feelings of worry.

he clearly isn't the type for scary or eerie places, but he doesn't feel like he should let the group down because of his own feelings.

Stephen on the other hand, was feeling quite excited, as him and jay were close, they had a lot of similarities, and together, they made a good chaotic duo that no one could stop.

While Stephen liked a lot of things about jay, one thing he disliked is how much he joked about him liking hosuh.

His face turned slightly pink. 'I don't like hosuh like that', he thought, 'I can't. Sure we had our little moments, like flirting- or when he was in bed with me or- nevermind, stop thinking Stephen. Just watch the TV. ' Stephen thought.

(Time skip)

Two hours had went by before a knock was heard coming from the door, Dan ran to open it and welcomed Jay "you're favorite murderer is here!" Jay yelled, carrying his stuff inside the door and setting it on the floor.

Stephen bounced off the couch, "pfft, yea right." Stephen said, smiling.

"Hey hosuh!" Jay called, "hi jay, how are you?" "I'm good thanks, are you ready for later? I know how you are in scary situations." Jay laughed.

" I.. uhm" hosuh responded. "Oh don't worry hosuh, Stephen will protect you." Jay chuckled watching as hosuhs face turned red.

while Jay nor hosuh could see, Stephens face shared the same color of red, possibly a more intense shade than hosuhs.

Stephen shook his head, and sat back down on the couch. He heard his stomach rumble.

"Hungry?" Dan said, walking over to Stephen.
"Yea, since Jay is here, we have a good excuse to all go out and eat!"

Usually they didn't eat out, as Hosuh liked to cook for both Dan and Stephen, but since Jay was here, it would be easier to just go and eat out instead of cooking for four people.

"Alright sounds cool-" "Jay, Stephen don't burn anything down."  "Why not?" Jay and Stephen said in sequence.

They both looked at eachother and started to laugh hysterically. They were both caught off guard by what they said and the fact they said it in sequence without thought

Dan and hosuh laughed along but not as intensely as jay and Stephen. 

"Let's just go, how does pizza sound?" Dan asked. Jay calmed down before Stephen and was able to answer "y- yea that sounds good." Jay said, wiping his eyes.

"Yea, let's go, Stephen, hosuh, go get dressed and we'll go." "Okkkkaaaaayyyy mooooommmm." Stephen said, hosuh chuckled and hurried to his room to change.

Stephen was the first one done, he came back down stairs wearing a grey shirt, with a black jacket, as well as black pants and shoes.

Stephen didn't care much for the clothes he wears, as long as he found something that didn't look ridiculous, he would wear it.

Hosuh walked down the stairs, he was wearing a baby-blue sweater , grey pants and black sneakers.

Hosuh likes soft, comfortable clothes, he can't stand tight or scratchy cloth.

Stephen gave hosuh a wink before walking to go to the door to meet up with dan and jay outside, already in the car.

Hosuhs face once again showed the same color of red, but he shook it off and continued to walk outside to meet with the others.

Aye, 3rd chapter, I wanted to include Jay somehow, and this is the only thing my mind came up with lol. Also no art today, I got super motivated at like 2 am the other day and used all my energy on drawings. Completely forgot about this book lol

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