=Expecting the worst=

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(1147 words)

Hosuh POV

I heard a knocking on the door. I opened my eyes and drowsily stood up, fixing my hair that I had took down beforehand. I had nearly fallen asleep, surprisingly, considering the way I was sitting was uncomfortable and hurt my back.

I was still holding Stephens hand when I stood up, which I reluctantly let go before the knocking started again.

I sighed out of frustration, and went over and grabbed the doorknob rather harshly, pulling it open fast, which hurt my wrist slightly.

When I opened it, I saw a rather surprised Jay and Dan in my view. "Jay? Dan? What are you two doing here?" I asked, still rather tired.

"We came to see how you were doing, and How Stephen was. Can we talk to him?" Jay asked

"The nurse didn't tell you?" I asked
"Tell us what? We hadn't had any updates on him." Dan asked, avoiding my eyes.

I waited a few moments before I spoke "Dan, Jay, Stephen had been in a coma for the past two days. I'm surprised they hadn't told you."

This time dan turned to face me, he was clearly surprised, same with Jay. I just moved out of the way and lead them in the room.

As soon as they walked in the door, both of their eyes filled with sadness. Dan looked away and went to one of chairs in the corner of the room.

Jay looked at Stephen longer, before sighing and going to the same corner as dan.

I nodded and looked at Stephen and glanced away.

"He'd cracked his skull and a few bones. Doc' says he'll be like this for at least a week, thank goodness his neck isn't broken." I finished my sentence with a sigh. Walking up to Stephens bed. I went up and started caressing his hair, playing with it.

"Are you planning on staying here till he wakes up?" Jay asked. "I would like too, but I probably can't, unfortunately." I said sadly, running my fingers through Stephens hair.
"I don't even know if he's going to wake up." I said with frustration and sadness.

"Hosuh, c'mon, don't say that." Jay said. I sighed "whatever." My patience was dwindling. It was silent in the room for a few moments, before dan spoke.

"Hosuh, I know you're sad, but you can't be like this. We are going through this all together. We need to stay hopeful and not keep expecting the worst." He said, trying to get me out of my sad and tired state.

All this did was make me angry, it pushed me over my limit and my normal shy self went away for a moment.

"Daniel. You do not have room to talk in this situation, you are the one who got us in this hell hole."

I said this, with such extreme coldness, I shocked myself. I sounded as if I were to murder dan, which isn't what I had intended.

Dans mouth shut, and he looked away from me in shame. Jay was surprised.

A moment passed before I realized the way I had said it, and immediately felt guilt. I coughed, and turned back around to Stephen.

Minutes passed, awkward silence filled the room.

I sighed, which immediately got their attention.

"Guys. I'm not happy, as I'm sure you know. It's best you leave soon, I want some time alone."
My usual tone coming back.

"Are you sure, hos?" Jay asked, I nodded.

"That's alright, we expected this. But before we go, Dan brought something for you. We'll leave it on the table." Jay said, looking over to Dan.

I had my back turned, but I could hear many things hit the table that clang together on impact.

"We hope you find some use for it while you're here." Jay said, beginning to walk out the door.

I couldn't here much but I heard him mumble something to dan. "Cya, Hosuh. We'll be back in a day or two to check up on you."

"Cya." I replied. Then the door shut, and the silence returned.

'I shouldn't have done that.' I thought, feeling more guilty. I knew Dan didn't do this on purpose, but you can't blame me for acting out in the moment. Especially since I'm not angry a lot of the time.

"I'm sorry Dan..." I breathed, "I'm sorry Stephen."

I sat on the side of the hospital bed, and started to talk to Stephen, even if he couldn't hear me.

"I'm so sorry Stephen. I should've taken your place.. but I didn't even notice the roof. I would've happily endured all that pain if it meant that you would be safe and not hurt."


"I can't believe this is actually happening. I should've been the one to get hurt. I could've died... but... you sacrificed yourself to save me."

I paused for a moment. "you saved me.." I said it again, and felt my face heat up. 'Did he really throw himself into to trouble just to save me? Even if he knew he could die? Wasn't he near the stairs when it happened? He could've easily ran out.' I thought, staring at him.

Even if I was still sad about the whole thing, a smile creeped up on my face.

I got off the bed when I remembered that Jay and Dan left me something. Walking over to the table, I noticed little box.

I opened it, inside was filled with many different colored hair clips, individually wrapped pieces of chocolate, a bit of paper that said 'get well soon', and a little bracelet that had a heart on it.

I smiled slightly, and sighed. 'I'll save some of the chocolate for Stephen.' I thought.

I grabbed some of hair clips and the bracelets, before walking back over to Stephen.

I sat on the bed again, luckily it was big enough that I could fully sit on it, and started caressing his hair again. Then with my other hand, placed a hair clip in his hair, as well as two more.

I started to hum a melody as I did this, I liked to do it when I was trying to feel better.

When I was done, I put my hands down, looking at his hair to make sure I didn't accidentally put them somewhere I didn't want them to go.

Stephen used to let me do this a lot, I knew how much he liked his hair being played with, he said it was relaxing. I would always start humming when I did, he never complained about it, in fact, once he nearly fell asleep when I was doing his hair.

I hadn't done this in a while, so it was nice.

I huffed and smiled, feeling much more alive again, 'Dan was right, I can't keep expecting the worst.' I thought.


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