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(923 words)

3rd person

Stephen sat quietly on his bed, simply just staring up at the ceiling and thinking to himself.

A few hours had passed since Jay left and he already missed him. He was one of his best friends after all.

Stephen was alone with his thoughts, so of course his mind drifted to Hosuh, without him even knowing.

He was reflecting on all the good memories they had spent together. From Hosuh comforting him in the hospital to the older ones, like when Hosuh and him would build snowmen during winter when they were younger.

He smiled to himself the more he thought.

He needed a plan, he wanted to tell hosuh how he feels. After that whole house accident, he'd realized how short life could be.

But It had been so much easier to express his feelings before. He's had crushes, but not like this.

He sat up, and took his phone from the bedside stand.

Opening it and scrolling through his contacts. He knew who to call, But he'd have to make sure no one was listening. Especially Hosuh.

He rose from his bed, silently turning his bedroom door handle. Trying to make as little sound as humanly possible.

He quickly and silently made his way down the stairs and through the front door, closing the door gently behind him.

He sped walked a bit away from the house, as to make sure no one heard him.

Once he made sure he hadn't disturbed anything and no one was listening, he looked back to his phone and pressed a contact, holding the phone up to his ear.

Stephen tapped his foot anxiously as the phone rang, before finally answering after a few rings.

"Stephen? What's up?" A cheery voice asked through the phone.

"Hey Gavin. Nothing much really. Hey, I need some help." Stephen asked nervously.

"Yea?" Gavin asked. Stephen coughed "well, I'm- uh, remember Hosuh?" "Of course, how could I forget him?"

"Well I-" "what, you finally realized you're gay for him?" Gavin asked smugly, an audible laugh being heard through the phone.

"Uh-how dare-" Stephen cut himself off. If he wanted help then he would have to let his pride sink. "Yea.." he said with a defeated sigh.

"Ha! Took you long enough." Gavin said in a very smug tone. "Hush." Stephen said in defense.

"So what you need help with, huh?" Stephen swallowed nervously at Gavins question. "Well, I wanna tell him everything.. but I don't really know, how? Like I can't just straight up tell him."

"Why not?" Gavin asked. "I don't know! I just.. can't.."

"Huh.... oh! How about you take him some place?" Gavin said in excitement. "What place?" "Hmm, where's somewhere you guys would go often, or at least used to?"

Stephen paused, thinking of places they'd been. "Well.. we'd never really go to someplace ourselves.. we'd usually go with dan or some other friends." Stephen said with defeat.

"But.." Stephen said, remembering something. "Well,, there is this one place.." Stephen said softly.

"Uh-huh?" Gavin questioned.

"Me and Hosuh would go there often while in middle school. Just the two of us. It was this huge field, it was nothing special, but it had something so comforting about it. We would talk about school, or just sit there in silence..." Stephen smiled while lost in his memories.

"He would often sing to me, or even once he brought me a rose. Of course I acted like it was nothing, but, I remember that I kept it and took care of it for a very long time. It was very special to me.." Stephen said fondly, smiling to himself.

"Awww.." Gavin said, amused and slightly surprised about how much Stephen was talking about his feelings.

Stephen realized what he'd been saying and shook his head in embarrassment, slightly laughing at himself.

"Aw, it's okay Stephen. I'm finally glad to know the truth." Gavin said.

"Pfft, whatever." Stephen laughed, his face very red by now.

"Well.. how about this." Gavin said in a confident voice.

"You take Hosuh to some places, maybe out to eat, go do something fun, and then you can take him to the field area." Gavin explained

"And then what?" Stephen asked.

"That's for you to decide, Stephen. I believe in you dude. You can do it. " Gavin exclaimed.

"But, what of he-" "worse case scenario is that he says he doesn't feel the same. You know Hosuh, he would want to hurt you and most definitely wouldn't stop being your friend because of it." Gavin said, cutting off Stephen.

"I guess." Stephen said in an unsure voice.

Stephen took in a deep breath, before slowly breathing out. "Okay, okay. I'll do it."

"Well there ya go! That's my brother! You got this. " Gavin cheered.

Stephen chuckled at gavins optimism for everything. Even if they were brothers, they were quite different in personality.

( true bro's >:D)

"Thank you, Gavin." Stephen said. "No prob. It's the least I can do. I'm glad you've healed well. We miss ya." Gavin replied.

"I miss you guys too. And yup, I'm fine, don't worry." He reassured.

"Well I gotta go, call me if you need me." Stephen smiled, "of course. I will, cya Gav."

"Cyaaa..." Gavin said before he hung up.

Stephen lowered his phone from his ear, staring at the screen. He smiled to himself before shoving the phone back into his pocket.

He leaned against the brick wall, staring up at the sky. He sighed. He has a big day tomorrow.

Yo guys, I am back, sorry for the short hiatus.

I heard about the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash, but I can't express how much reading about it hurt my heart. I was never a huge sports fan but I looked up to him, and thought he was amazing. My heart goes out to all the people's family's who lost their lives in the crash. ❤️

Stephen x hosuh| I knew you loved me Where stories live. Discover now