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(1035 words)

3rd person

Night had fallen, both dan and jay said their goodbyes to Stephen and Hosuh, before they went home. Doctors had continued to check up on Stephen frequently to check for any discomfort.

Stephen had always been hesitant to cooperate with the doctors, but eventually realized he didn't really have a choice.

Now that it was night, the doctors hadn't been visiting as much and only checked every few hours.

Stephen was asleep soundly in the hospital bed, his light snores being the only thing Hosuh could hear, besides the ticking of a clock, and a light humming coming from one of the machines.

While Stephen was asleep, Hosuh was sitting in a chair in the corner. He had a lamp shining on him while the rest of the lights were dimmed.

He had his feet comfortably propped up against another one of the rooms chairs, and he was using a lamp light to help him see his drawing better.

He'd taken out his sketch book and was doodling random things he thought of, so usually a character from an anime that he had watched at some point during the week, or something that he'd thought Stephen would like.

He was focused for the most part, every once in a while, lifting up his head to check on his 'friend'.

He shifted his gaze over to Stephen when he noticed that he was shifting violently every few seconds and mumbling to himself while still asleep.

Hosuh immediately got anxious as he thought of Stephen's stitches accidentally being reopened by his movements, or him possibly unhooking a wire.

He stood up and plopped his sketchbook on the chair he was using previously to support his feet, and walked over to Stephens hospital bed.

Hosuh POV

I stared anxiously at Stephen as he continued to move. He was acting the same way like he is when he was is having one of his nightmares, 'is he having another one?'

I took a large inhale and sighed. 'Hosuh, if you don't stop or calm him down, he's probably going to accidentally hurt himself' I thought to myself. I needed to plan this out before I did anything

'Okay, last time I did this, I got pulled into a hug by Stephen whilst he was still asleep, which, I mean... really wouldn't mind doing again- eh whatever, Hosuh, you're getting sidetracked.' I thought.

'What's something that always seemed to calm him down? A hug?' I looked over to Stephen again. 'He's weak from the whole thing, he wasn't even able to get Jay off him, so maybe I can.'

I sighed, 'might as well try'

I sat on the side of the bed, hesitant to do anything. I gently placed my hand on his chest, as he continued slightly thrash.

I slowly hovered over and placed my head on his chest, and wrapping my arms around him as best I could without disturbing him much.

He continued to thrash a couple more times before he eased and I could hear his breathing going back to normal. I huffed and continued to lay my head against his chest, trying to calm myself, and ease my anxiety that kept building the entire time during his nightmare.

A couple minutes passed, Then I noticed something, his breathing strangely became shallow, like he was trying not to take deep breaths.

I took my head of his chest out of curiosity to see him eyeing me curiously. I stared at him, feeling my face become extremely flushed. He looked at me for a couple minutes before snickering.

"Again??" He asked, with an amused facial expression.

I felt extremely embarrassed, I just wanted to curl up and hide in my hoodie, but my legs didn't seem to perform the action. "I- uh.. you can speak??"

He rolled his eyes whilst smiling, "I can, it just hurts, but my throat doesn't hurt as bad as it did earlier." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Now the question is, what were you doing?" He asked. "Y-you were having a bad dream, and I thought I would just-" 'I couldn't have said that more awkwardly' I thought, cutting my sentence short.

"Hosuh, it's fine. I didn't complain last time you did this, did I?" Stephen said with a smirk.

"Yea- wait." I said, processing what he just said. "Wait- how did you know about that??!" I asked nervously.

"I woke up before you." He smirked at me, seemingly amused by my reaction, as he bagan to sit upright.

'Oh my god.. why me?!' I thought, while covering my face with my hands.

"Oh, Hosuh, come on, your fine." I didn't answer, all I did was whine out of embarrassment.

I heard a huff, then a pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me sideways.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was once again laying against Stephens chest, but now, Stephen was the one who held me their. He was hugging me tightly, with his hand on the back of my head. I hugged him back of course.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes, he actually started humming the same song that I would when I was doing his hair. I looked up at him curiously, "I memorized the melody from the times you hummed it to me." He said thoughtfully.

I felt as my own anxieties melted away, I was surprised at how well he was able to calm me down, I'd never seen this side of him.

I nearly fell asleep, before Stephen let go of me. "I should probably get back to sleep, right?"
I was sad it had ended but I understood he really did need to rest.

I nodded, with a smile, my face still slightly red.

He smiled back at me, "no homo tho." He laughed, laying his head against his pillow. I laughed as well, "yea, totally."

I went back over to the chair, and looked at my sketchbook. I stared at it for a few moments before picking it up, as well as my pencil, I began drawing an outline of a face.

I didn't proof read this, (cause I'm tired) so sorry for any grammar mistakes -3-

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