•Crumble •

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Super long chapter ahead! (2025 words BLOOD WARNING AND SLIGHT SWEARING)

Stephen POV

I still was a bit shaken up, this was so weird, I generally didnt know why I was actually crying. Well, I mean yea, it felt bad to be looked at like that from Hosuh, my..

'Whatever, it doesn't matter. But, why was I crying?? I'm not that sensitive, I've faced much worse before, but.. This felt different, when he hugged me, it almost felt as if I was seeing a old friend after years, or reuniting with a loved one. These moments I'm spending with him... feel so much more important now, and I'm not sure why...' I thought.

I wiped my eyes again, trying to stop the stinging sensation. I looked up and saw that Hosuh was already on his way into the next room, creaking open the door, I followed him in.

We walked in and the first thing we see is shards of glass on the ground, from a vase that was sitting on a table. Nothing was out of the ordinary, so why was it just this one vase?

I walked over and bent down to examine the piece of glass. "Wait- Stephen." Hosuh said with concern

I lifted up my hand to remind him that I still had the gloves on, and quickly dropped it. I shown the flashlight on the glass then on the table- nothing that could've possibly have made it fall.

"Uhm, that's strange." Hosuh said, he took words right out of my mouth. I nodded in agreement and stood back up.

"Maybe we should find dan and jay?" Hosuh asked, "yea.." I agreed, standing back up, beginning to walk out the door.

The wind howled, blowing leaves from the outdoors in through the window. As soon as I stepped out the door it slammed behind me, I turned around in surprise and stared at it.

"Hosuh...? Did you see that?" I asked, no response came. I turned around to see that Hosuh was staring at the door in fear, he was pale and I could tell that he most definitely saw it too. He nodded slowly.

"Let's go find dan and jay- quickly." I said, taking Hosuhs hand and pulling him out of the hall, not caring if I actually griped too hard or not, I could tell Hosuh was too shocked to care.

We rushed back to the room with the sleeping bags and our other supplies, Jay and dan were no where to be seen. "Fuck, they must be in the other rooms."

"JAY, DAN! WHERE ARE YOU?" Hosuh yelled, no response. Now I was a bit freaked out, they couldn't of just ditched us in some rundown place like this. "Come on Hosuh, we need to check the other rooms." The wind was intense now, howling loudly and knocking over light objects in all of the rooms, like picture frames or old thin books. Hosuh didn't move, so I shook my head and headed out.

I raced down the other hallway "DAN, JAY!" I yelled, again, no response. Oh Jesus Christ, where are they?!

Another sound of glass shattering came from the room right in front of me, and of course, I noped the fuck out of there.

I went back and Hosuh was still in the room, This time forcing his hands in his pockets and closing his eyes shut tight. He was trying to drown out the sounds of the wind by sinking his head down into his jacket, almost like a turtle would.

The feeling I had in my stomach and throughout this whole trip was really heavy now.

"Hosuh, look at me." I said , putting my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me, still a good amount of fear in his eyes. "Everything's fine, we'll find them, maybe they're downstairs? I saw a door, maybe they're just pranking us." I said, trying to shake him out of his trance of fear. Hosuh reluctantly nodded in return. I took his hand gently and lead him down the stairs.

Stephen x hosuh| I knew you loved me Where stories live. Discover now