"Come on!"

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(982 words)

Hosuh POV

"So... what's the deal with this, dan? What's so scary about it?" Jay asked
"Oh, right." Dan continued, "supposedly, this used to be a hotspot for rituals and some kind of demon summoning years ago."

Everyone stared at him like he was a lunatic as I felt a chill go down my spine "demons??" I asked nervously.

Stephen quickly glanced to me then back to Dan

"It's fine, Hosuh. I doubt anything will happen, besides, lots of teens stay over night here. I wouldn't be surprised if we ran into a couple of folks." Dan replied without worry.

"What if they're dangerous?" Stephen and Jay asked in unison.

"That's why you two are here." Jay raised his eyebrow, not knowing wether to take it as a compliment or not, before shaking his head

"Well, how do you expect us to sleep in this place? Especially if it's overgrown with a lot of greenery and possibly... bugs?" Jay shivered as the words escaped his mouth.

"Like I said, people stay over night here a lot. I hear it's bigger on the inside than on the outside. Just trust me." Dan said with a smirk

Stephen inched closer to me and whispered "whenever we trust Dan, something bad always happens." I nodded in agreement

"I can hear you~" Dan laughed.  Stephen rolled his eyes in return.

"Ah, here it is!" Dan chirped pointing forward

It was a 2-story dark mansion, with a rotting, dark, wood roof. Trees from the surrounding area had grown on it, their branches tangled in the walls and wrapping around certain areas like black octopus tentacles. Just from the outside I could see that it looked as though it had some kind of old concrete pillar supports on the inside.

"What are you waiting on? C'mon, let's look around a bit." Dan said, grabbing Stephens wrist and hurrying along to the inside of the mansion. "H-hey!" Stephen said with a surprise, nearly tripping from the sudden pull.

I watched as Jay sighed and hurried after them, as I looked at the sun beginning to disappear behind the Black Forest.

'Something is off' I thought to myself. I reached inside my pockets and slid out the pocket knife, staring at its sharp edges. I felt my stomach churn the longer I stared at it.

"Hosuh! C'mon dude, hurry up!" Jay called, I quickly slid the pocket knife back into my pockets before hurrying to catch up with Jay.

Dan was right, the inside was bigger than it seemed like on the outside. A large center with marble floors and two large staircases facing opposites sides from eachother. A ripped, dirty carpet was in the middle and leaded up the stairs to the other rooms on the second floor.

Walls were either covered in dirt or vines or thorns, accompanied by graffiti of all different colors and symbols.

Any windows had been smashed and were either left alone to rot  or boarded up with wood boards and tape. Everything was beginning to get dark now that the sun was almost fully set.

I jumped as I felt a hand grab onto my shoulder. "Stephen! Don't scare me like that." I said, glaring at Stephen over my shoulder. "Heh, sorry. Anyway, dan just wanted me to tell you that this place is extremely old and fragile, so creeks and squeaks are common noises." Stephen said

"Yea, I figured." I said, rolling my eyes.

I expected some kind of response but Stephen stepped away rather quickly and glanced around his surroundings as if he was looking for something. His eyes darted back and forth from place to place, as if he couldn't keep his eyes still for even a second.

I looked at him worriedly and walked over and grabbed his shoulders.

"What kind of drugs are you on?" I asked with a smirk. No response.

Now I was worried, 'what's up with him today? First at the diner and now here, is he okay?' I thought.

I walked directly in front of him and reached out my hands, cupping his face and squishing his cheeks so he was forced to look straight.

Within a couple of minutes his eyes focused on me and he smiled as if nothing had happened, which freaked me out internally. He laughed and grabbed my arms and pulled me into a tight embrace. I was, very, confused to say the least.

"Y-you okay?" I asked, concerned for his mental health at this point.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be, Hosuh?" He asked, pulling away and looking at me with a curious expression. 'Was he in one of his happy- love everything moods?'

"I'm just wondering.." I said, pushing his hands away

"Stephen, here." Dan said tossing him a flashlight in which he caught without difficulty.

"Let's set up a 'camp' of some sorts, I saw a room that wasn't too dirty and-" Dan said, looking at Jay before continuing "no bugs." Jay let out a sigh of relief and picked out a flashlight from his own backpack.

"Let's- a go!" Dan called, walking up the right side of stairs, and turning right to a room at the very top.

The room wasn't Too dirty, though it did have the busted out windows and a bit of graffiti. Stephen set the bag down and digged out both our sleeping bags, laying them out on the floor by eachother- just like Dan and Jay had.
He digged out another flash light and handed it to me.

"Well, let's go. Stephen and you, Hosuh, will be exploring the right side of the building, me and jay, will explore the left. If you guys get scared, just come back here." Dan said, smirking.

Jay simply smiled and rolled his eyes and pushed dan along. "Let's go." Stephen said, taking my wrist and pulling me along to the first room.

a lot of this is filler, but I just wanted to have some fun with describing. Let me know if you guys are enjoying this series so far and if I should continue it! (Also, no, Stephen is not on drugs lol)

Stephen x hosuh| I knew you loved me Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora