•Walking •

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(970 words)

Stephen POV

A bright light blinded my vision, and it dragged me out of my sleep, even if things were still blurry.

I rubbed my eyes and squinted, trying to focus on something so my vision cleared, 'this is strangely familiar..." I thought.

When I fully had my vision back to normal, I immediately glanced over to Hosuh, who was sleeping quietly in the corner of the room, in the same chair he was in the night before..

'Wait-.' I thought, suddenly reminding myself of what happened the previous night.

I awkwardly laughed to myself as my face heated up. 'I- wow, okay, never thought I would do that.' I thought, the same feeling of happiness from the former night overwhelming me, while also making me slightly jittery.

"Stephen?" A voice called, I quickly turned around, to see a nurse sticking her head out the door.

"Good you're awake, c'mon in." She said, opening the door more and letting dan and jay walk through, before turning around and walking into the hallway.

"Oh, it's just you two, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much, we just came to check up on you and..." jay cut himself off when he shifted his gaze to Hosuh in the corner. "Wow, he must've not slept well, he's usually the first one up, isn't he?" Jay asked, pointing to Hosuhs sleeping figure in the corner chair.

"Yea.. dude hasn't been sleeping well, what can I say, he cares about Stephen... a lot." Dan said, smirking at me as soon as the last words escaped his mouth.

I awkwardly laughed again, more audible to myself than the rest. I shifted my gaze away to one of the machines. 

"Ohhh what's this? he was drawing?" Dan asked, walking over to hosuh.

I turned my head to him, trying to see what he was reaching for.

Dan bent over and lifted a sheet of paper that had been laid across Hosuhs lap. He picked it up curiously and inspected it, turning it over to see it himself.

I eyed him curiously as he did this.

His expression went from curious to amused in a second, and he smiled widely, glancing up at me and then back down to the paper.

He walked over to jay and handed it to him, waiting for Jay to react. As soon as jay could see what it was, he shared the same expression that dan had.

I looked at them, confused by whatever was on the paper. "Alright, alright, what's so interesting about it?" I asked impatiently.

Jay looked up at me, "ohhh nothing." He said smugly, handing the paper back to dan. "Wait, what? Dan you're gonna let Jay are, but not me??" "Mhm, exactly." Dan said, a cocky smile across his face.

I grumbled spitefully, Rolling my eyes in annoyance, and crossing my arms. Jay chuckled at my reaction.

Dan walked back over to hosuh, grabbed his bag, and placed the piece of paper inside, as well as the pencil, sketchbook and any other piece of paper that was out.

Just then, a doctor knocked on the door and poked his head in the room. "Ah, you're awake!" He said cheerfully.

I waved my hand aimlessly, before dropping it.

"Your voice feel better?" He asked inquisitively. "Definitely." I said, enjoying the doctors cheerful energy. "Good! Looks like we've got other good news as well...." he said, looking down a clipboard he was carrying.

"Ah! Yes, it says that we think you can go home today, if you can walk of course." He said, placing his finger on the clipboard.

"Oh- wait, really??" I asked excitedly, ready to be out of this damned hospital.

He nodded, "hey, Jay, right? Can you help Stephen balance, here?" He asked

I glanced over to jay as he nodded. I could feel that my legs were still weak, and hard to move, they felt like sticks. I swept the blanket off of me and shifted to the edge of the bed, letting my legs dangle off the side.

Dan went back over to where jay was sitting and grabbed jays bag off the chair as soon as he stood up.

Jay walked carefully towards me, watching his steps, I assume he was trying to avoid any wires or stuff he could possibly trip over.

He held out his hands, waiting for me to hop off the bed. "Now, Jay, be ready to catch him, his legs might still be weak." The doctor warned. Jay nodded and went back to focus on me.

I slowly inched off the bed until I felt the cold marble floor touching my feet, as soon as I was fully off, my knees went weak and I stumbled roughly.

Jay grabbed my arms and helped lifted me up into a standing position, trying to help me recollect my balance.

Jay held me firmly as to avoid me falling, he was focused but he was able to look and smile at me.

At this moment I realized how lucky I am to have friends like this who are here to support me... literally.

I eventually rebalanced myself, being able to stand on my own. Jay hesitated before letting me go, he was clearly worried that I was going to fall.

I sighed with relief as I was out of the bed, and I wasn't as uncomfortable.

"This is the first and last time I'll ever be wearing a dress." I said, referring to the uncle hospital gown I just now realized I was wearing.

All three laughed at my little remark, as dan began digging through jays bag.

"Here, we brought ya some clothes." Dan said, holding how a jumbled pile of my own clothes and handing it to me.

"thanks." I said, taking the pile, heading to the bathroom to change.

Okay this was more of a filler chapter than anything else but yay! Stephens getting out of the hospital!

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