~Something to tell you~

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(1138 words)

Hosuh POV

I grumbled tiredly, shifting, feeling the softness of my blanket.

I slowly opened my eyes, to be met with my pillow, now aware that I was in my room.

I squinted my eyes, confused, as the last time I remembered was when I was in the car. I rolled over from my side to my back, staring up at the ceiling, trying to clear my vision.

I felt a hand touch my knee gently, before it pulled away quickly. I sat up into a slouching position, to see Stephen nervously eyeing me as he sat at the end of the bed.

"Stephen?" I asked worriedly, noticing his nervous facial expression. "um,, hey." He said softly, scratching the back of his head.

I pushed the covers off and crossed my legs, sitting up "what's wrong?" I asked.

"...Dan told me everything, about the coma and the stuff that happened .." Stephen said awkwardly. "oh.." I said, sharing the awkward tension.

A few seconds went by of silence, before I spoke. "You okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yea, it's just... a lot to take in. I'm glad I'm alive." He said with a sigh.

"I am too." I said with a laugh. Stephens face became visibly more red.

"Thank you for, yaknow, protecting me. How did you know to do that by the way?" I asked, trying to get rid of the awkward tension.

"oh, um..." he said, aimless looking around the bed, trying to avoid eye contact. "I saw that the pipes were about to break, and, well... I.. guess I couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt.." he said with a shy tone, a smile on his red face.

I felt my face go red as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "oh.." I said quietly to myself, feeling a smile creep up on my own face.

Another few moments of silence passed before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and push me backwards. I widened my eyes in surprise as I felt my head hit the pillow.

Stephen had hugged my stomach, his face laid against my chest comfortably. "I just didn't want to lose you.." he muffled softly. He was clearly struggling to take everything in, and I can't blame him. 'Both of us nearly died, of course it's hard to take in' I thought.

I smiled to myself, before I started to caress his hair carefully. "Well, I wouldn't want to lose you either. " I said sweetly

"But we're both safe now, you are out of the Hospital, and back home." I said, trying to comfort him. He was visibly shaken from the whole thing

"Let's just agree to not go into any more decaying houses." I laughed. I could hear Stephen chuckle, even if his face was pressed against my chest.

minutes went by of us just laying there silently, just enjoying each others company. Just happy to be with one another, and alive.

Stephen POV

I laid against Hosuhs chest, I wanted to stay here forever, but I knew I had to get up at some point. No matter how much I wanted to stay.

It felt like hadn't seen Hosuh in years. I just didn't want to leave his side. My face heat up as i thought of me and Hosuh spending time together, just being around him puts me in a better mood. I guess I just haven't noticed before, how he is the light of my life.

I moved one of my hands over, grabbing Hosuhs and intertwining my fingers with his. My heart started pounding vigorously as I did so.

I lifted my head up, staring at Hosuh as he stared right back.

"You have beautiful eyes.." I said with admiration, not really caring how much my face burned with redness.

Hosuh got clearly flustered, his face going a bright shade of red at my compliment. But it was true, his Blue-grey eyes were absolutely captivating, I loved the way they sparkled.

I sat up, going back to my position I was in before, which confused Hosuh. "Stephen, what's wrong?" He asked. My heart was pounding vigorously. I ached to tell him what was happening, why I was acting this way, but my body wouldn't let me perform the action.

"Stephen?" He asked again, more concern in his voice.

"I-it's nothing" I stuttered. "No, something is wrong. We talked about this, if you need to tell me something, tell me." Hosuh said, crawling over and sitting beside me.

I turned my head to face him, he was looking at me with those eyes again. Those goddamn eyes. It's making it so much harder to speak.

"Hosuh, I need to tell you something.." I said, fiddling with my hands nervously.

"Yea? What is it?" He asked with concern.

"I- I just-" Just then a knocking sounded on the door.

(>:) hehehe )

I shot my head up, immediately looking at the door, half annoyed that i wasn't able to speak, but also very relieved.

Just then, the door knob twisted and Dan poked his head in. "Hey guys, Jays about to leave, you guys should go say bye." He said, looking slightly down.

I changed my mood almost immediately, trying to ignore what just happened.

"Wait- Stephen, weren't you going to tell me something?" Hosuh asked.

Both Dan and Hosuh eyed me curiously. "Oh- uh, it's nothing, I can just tell you later.. c'mon! Let's go tell Jay goodbye!" I said with a nervous smile.

Dan opened the door more and let me slide past as I walked through it, trying to ignore Hosuhs confused face.

I made my way down the stairs quickly to see Jay bending down, placing  one of his bags, his back turned to me.

I ran up and aggressively hugged him from behind, squeezing him tightly and slightly picking him up.

I let go and he coughed, before a smile appeared on his face, "you really do commit to your hugs, don't ya?" He asked, punching my arm playfully.

"Next time, give me a warning." Jay said with a laugh. "Nah." I said smugly.

Hosuh came down the stairs slowly, a smile on his face, followed by dan.

Hosuh went over and hugged jay gently, jay returned the hug before letting go, "cya Hos, I'll miss ya. Oh and Stephen too I guess." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, still smiling. Hosuh laughed at jays remark before stepping away as well, letting dan hug and say his goodbye to jay.

Once everyone was done, jay picked up his bag and walked outside, "cya guys, I'll come back eventually." Jay called, winking before stepping into his car and eventually riding off.

We all waved as he left, before stepping back inside, shutting the door.

Ha! Y'all got bamboozled with the title, sorry everyone, but ya gotta be a little patient ;)

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