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It was late at night the contractions were getting a bit worse, but Irena didn't want to tell Fred anything since he has been paranoid the last couple of days. "Are you sure you are alright Irena," asked George looking at her.  She looked like she was in pain. She weakly nodded. "I'm just going to rest a bit," Irena said, walking out of the kitchen and into the room.  Fred and Irena were in the room. Fred was sleeping, and Irena couldn't sleep. She was turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. While she was trying to sleep, she felt like a big water balloon had popped on her.

She sat up quickly, opening her eyes. She moved the blanket and saw how the bed was wet. Irena gasped; its happening. "Fred, get up!"  She moved him, trying to wake him up. She got up from the bed. She used a spell to clean the bed and herself. There was no time to waste because she was going to give birth. She was just a few hours away from meeting her child.

Fred barely woke up; he was still sleepy. "What's going on," he said with his eyes still closed. "My water broke, we need to go to St Mungo's Hospital." "What!" That made Fred stand up quickly; he almost tripped.

Fred looked around, and he didn't know what to do. "Alright, let's go," Fred said quickly, putting some shoes on and leaving the room. He went to the babys room and got the bag that was in the closet. It had the essential or what he thought the baby and Irena might need. He got the bag, and he was walking to the fireplace. He was already inside when he said, "What am I missing." He didn't know what it was, but he was missing something. "Me," Irena said as she was slowly walking. "Bloody hell, I'm so sorry Rena," Fred dropped the bag and went to help Irena.

They both were inside the fireplace, ready to go. "Georgie, I'm going to be a dad!" Fred yelled to a sleepy George that was barely getting out of his room. All the noise had woke him up. Before George could say anything else, Fred and Irena were gone.

Fred and Irena were at St Mungo's Hospital. "Hurry! Someone, we need healer Williams." Another healer got closer to them. "What's wrong?" "Her water broke, and she has been feeling contractions. She's going into labor." "I will get Williams; why don't you take them to an empty room," said the healer to another healer that had just arrived next to her.

"Follow me," said the healer who had stayed with them. Irena walked slowly; Fred was walking next to her, not moving his eyes from her in case anything happened. The healer saw this "first time," she asked. "That obvious," said Fred with a nervous laugh. They arrived at the empty room. It was a bit different from where Irena went to do her checkups. More people started to come into the room; healer Williams was one of them.

Everyone knew what to do and where to go. "How are you feeling Irena," asked Anna. "Ready to give birth," said Irena in pain. "Not too fast; let me check how dilated you are." Irena was on the bed; Anna was checking how dilated she was. All the people in the room made her nervous. "You are 6 centimeters dilated; almost there."  She couldn't give birth yet; she needed to be 10 centimeters dilated to be able to give birth. 

A few hours went by, and she was only 8 centimeters dilated. She was walking around the room to help speed up her dilation by increasing blood flow.  Fred had sent a Patronus Charm not too long ago to let George know why they left so quickly. He also sent one to the burrow but told them that the baby isn't here yet and it might take a few more hours. When Anna came back, Irena was finally 10 centimeters. Irena went back to the bed, and the other healers that had left came back into the room.

Fred was next to Irena. He was holding her hand; he didn't want to let go. Anna was by Irena's feet "alright, Irena, when I tell you to push, you push." Irena only nodded.

 February of 1996Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora