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The rest of the month of April Irena and Alek continued to spend half the day at the flat and the other half at the shop. It was a good distraction for Alek since he was already five months old, and he wanted to explore more.

Looking at the same walls at the flat got boring for Alek real quick. In the shop, he saw new people every day; he had his own little corner in the shop with pillows and toys where he could play with. George had made that corner for Alek not too long ago. He had cleaned that area and added a few of his favorite toys so he wouldn't be bored. That way Fred and Irena could work and not worry where Alek was.

Irena would go to the back and feed Alek, Fred and Irena took turns changing his diapers. On a few occasions, George changed Aleks diaper, but that didn't last long after the accident.

George didn't want to talk about that day.

It was a normal day at the shop. Irena was helping out a customer, Verity was at the register, George was on the second floor, and Fred was in the back. 

Irena was done helping the customer. "You can go to the register; Verity is going to help you," Irena had told the customer. "Thank you, dear."

"How much for the child" Irena heard someone say.

She looked to where Alek was, and an old lady with long curly white hair was pointing at Alek.

She walked up to where the old woman was.

"Hello, dear, how much for that child" She was still pointing with her yellow nails at Alek. "The child is not for sale, he is my son," Irena said, getting Alek. "Oh, what a shame," she said, getting closer to Irena and Alek.

"But no one has to know dear how much do you want for this precious boy," the woman said, licking her lips. Irena moved away from the woman hugging Alek tighter. "I already told you he is not for sale. If you aren't here to buy anything from the shop, I'll ask you to leave."

Verity, seeing this scene, went to the back to get Fred.

"Bad things will come your way." The old woman had threatened Irena as Fred was walking up to them. 

She got her wand out and pointed at Irena and Alek. Fred quickly went in front of Irena, pointing his wand at the woman in front of him. "That's enough; you aren't going to come into my shop to threaten my family."

Irena had handed Alek to Verity; she had gotten her wand out.  "Get out; I don't want you near my son," said Irena.

The woman left furiously. Fred looked at Irena and Alek, who was in Verity's arms. "Did she hurt Alek?" "No, I don't think so; I got there before she was able to do anything to him," Irena said, looking at Alek, who was holding on to Verity's hair.

"Come here," Fred said as he got closer to Alek and carried him. He kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. He was happy that nothing happened to him.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now