Chapter 167: Battle for Dora

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Thonur Household,

Nuxar, Daggerfall.

1:13 pm. 17th Banem, 1092.

Within one of the mansion's rooms, Rudega Farvulia glared at the beautiful wisben calmly seated by the window. His eyes burned with rage as he muttered, "This is not what you promised."

Brilith Loneheart, guild leader of Winter Leaf Clan, smiled as she regarded the angry dwarf with a pair of beautiful green eyes. "Farvulia-san, I promised I would help you unite the dwarfs under your banner. Nothing unites a group of people like a common enemy."

"Not like this!" Rudega angrily spat. "If we go to war with the orcs, regardless of if we win or not, there'll be nothing left of us! I needed your help to unite the dwarfs, not destroy us all!"

"Heh. And here I thought you were in it for the crown," Brilith chuckled. "I must apologize then, but what's done is done. You need my help to safely pass through this ordeal."

"Never." Rudega's eyes flashed. "I will not allow you to station any more troops this far north."

"Farvulia-san, you are dooming your people to death," Brilith teased. "Allow Ederwood to take the blade in your stead. You'll be praised as a hero and will surely gain the throne."

Rudega snorted. "You might have fooled me once, but I will not so easily fall for your trick a second time." The proud dwarf turned and walked to the door. "It was a mistake to have ever asked for your help." Rudega paused as he clasped the doorknob. "Thank you for your help so far, but I hope never to see your face again."

"On the contrary, Farvulia-san, I'm sure we'll have many more meetings shortly."

Rudega cursed and walked out of the room. Rage and self-doubt clouded his vision as he walked out of the mansion. He had asked for Brilith's help to unite the clans because of the chaos incited by the Dwarven King. Many houses had begun to secretly battle to claim the title: 'King in the West,' and he could see how this would further splinter the already divided dwarfs. He had sought to quickly unite them, not to gain the throne for himself, but to stabilize the current situation. Yet, it appeared he had brought a hungry wolf into their midst.

Rudega inwardly grumbled as he summoned his security detail and walked to the stables where a pack of barghests awaited them. The strange creatures looked like wild dogs with monstrous teeth and thin, black coats. They were one of the few animals in Daggerfall that were small enough for the dwarfs to use as mounts.

Rudega mounted his beast and cast a gaze at Brilith through the window. He gritted his teeth and swore, "I won't let you have your way." He issued a command with a determined expression, then quickly exited the city with his guards, headed for the meeting location assigned by the orcs.

"Please, don't let it be too late," Rudega pleaded to the gods.

Brilith Loneheart watched the company leave with a serene smile. "Just as Honne-chan said." Her gaze flittered to a corner of the room. "You know what to do."

For a brief moment, a silhouette turned visible, but it disappeared the very next second. "I do." A young woman's voice responded.

Brilith nodded, then looked out of the window. Her lips curled into a wide grin as she muttered, "Soon, this whole country will be mine."


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