Chapter 155: The Bank

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It was the dead of night when Kashi and Larsial pulled up near the outskirts of Meilfour's territory. Even under the cloudy, moonless night, Meilfour's splendor shone through for miles, its colorful lights a magnificent beacon to adventurers far and wide. Warriors and merchants laughed and amicably chatted as they walked or galloped past Kashi and Larsial, either on their way to or from some glorious adventure.

Larsial, in particular, stared in wonder as the female warriors passed by in stylish garments and colorful accessories. She could tell just from looking that these outfits were created for practicality despite their beauty and would provide more than adequate protection. Even the men had stepped up their fashion game. Form-fitting clothing and strategic armor placement emphasized their handsomeness without sacrificing security.

Even heavy knights with full plate armor were not spared the aesthetic treatment. Gone were the plain iron plating. Immaculate, unique designs were carved onto each plate, which were then dyed with imaginative color combinations. This led to a situation where the vain Summoned were no longer satisfied with just the higher stats weapon or armor.

This was one of the effects of VR. Since gamers could see and interact with each other, fashion took on whole new importance.

Kashi knew this, hence why he pushed for the rapid reform of Meilfour's rapid reform. As the capital of art on the continent, there was no other place on the continent with such a high density of skilled artists eager to ply their trade. The Hopeful Maggots took full advantage of this to scoop up this enormous piece of pie before anyone else saw the potential.

Now, merchants from far and wide were eager to get their hands on the new designs coming out of Meilfour so they could sell them at a significant mark-up to eager customers in their various towns and cities.

Unbeknownst to Kashi, Miote had gone a step further to ensure their monopoly continued for a long time. The chesch introduced the concept of brands to the artists, and adamantly demanded they place a brand on all products they sold to the public. These branded clothes would ensure the populace would continue to buy from the 'original' makers instead of those who wanted to copy the styles.

Miote did not just stop there, though. To ensure that the populace 'knew' that only products bought from Meilfour were those worth buying, he took advantage of the recently formed Merchant Alliance.

When Joanna Frye's mercenaries escorted merchants and goods to cities, they wore clothes and armor made in Meilfour. These mercenaries would then brag to colleagues from other companies, who would, in turn, spread the word to the populace, further emphasizing the point that the clothes made in Meilfour were those worth buying.

Of course, in return, the merchants escorted by the mercenaries would tell other merchants that Frye's mercenaries were the best in the business, thereby boosting her revenue too.

With the excavation of the mines, Marlo Coop's precious stone business also experienced a significant revival. Coop's company already had artisans experienced with jewelry work; so, with some designs from Miote, his company began to process precious stones excavated from the mines into beautiful jewelry.

It soon became a thing among women to wear a Meilfour produced outfit with jewelry from Coop. The costumes had become a symbol of status just as Miote intended, which highly boosted sales.

Kashi was not privy to all these details, but he just had to take a look at the busy roads to know that Miote had outdone himself.

"It's beautiful," Larsial accidentally muttered as they approached the city's gates. Unlike other cities' bland gates, these emerald-green gates had several artists and instruments carved onto them. Larsial forced herself to look away as she recalled her hometown's once beautiful and majestic halls and roads.

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