Chapter 51: He's Dark, He's Black...

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Residential Sector.

Wednesday, 13th May 2043.

The 'rooms' reserved for the selected teams were more like underground condos.

Upon entry, Suzuki and his team gaped at the daunting size. A flight of stairs to the left led to the individual rooms, each as large as standard hotels. The ground floor had a half-hexagonal shaped depression at the north end with a single sofa fitted along the depressed walls. A ridiculously large screen hung on the 'magic' walls(which changed scenery via a switch to provide atmosphere). Past the living room to the right was a fully fitted kitchen with all the latest in appliances. A quick check showed provisions had even been stacked.

For Suzuki, it was his first time (in reality) he had ever been to a place as grand... and he didn't care. A quick glance at the essentials, and he was on his way to his room.

"Hold it!" Jade cut off the young man's ascent. She barred his path, bright eyes challenging his.

A half-smile curled up Suzuki's lips. It was kind of hilarious. Though she was a rung above him, he was still taller than her.

Jade frowned. She did not like his mocking smile. "What is it?"

Suzuki, in reply, shook his head. "Nothing. Never mind. What's the matter?"

"We need to talk about what just happened. I mean, wars and fighting and testing!? Didn't any of that faze you?"

Suzuki yawned. "Sure, it did." He patted her head as he walked past. "But I'm too tired to think about it now... Maybe tomorrow?"

Jade faltered, holding her head. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, which she then channeled into a purposeful rage. She grabbed his collar and yanked him back. "At the very least, greet the new guy."

Suzuki turned to Usman. He stared at the young man for the longest of periods, then raised his right hand. "...Yo."

"Yo," Usman aptly replied with an amused smile.

Having completed his task, Suzuki glanced at Jade. "There, I've greeted him. Can I go now?"

"Not even close," Jade rebuked and then displayed an impressive amount of physical strength by dragging Suzuki down the stairs.

Taiga chuckled at the boy's helplessness. "Girls really are scary creatures."

Saeko raised a brow. "What was that?"

Taiga raised his arms in surrender. "Nothing. I said nothing."

"That's what I thought."

Jade forced Suzuki to the 'hole' (the name for the living room space) and sat him down. She motioned, and the others joined the reluctant young man on the sofa. "Seeing as we'll be working as a team from now on, I feel it's only fitting we properly introduce ourselves. I'll start. My name is Yuhi Jade. I'm nineteen, and I play as a level 72 fire mage in L.N.E named Elena. Special talents are hacking and styling." She then motioned to Saeko.

Saeko chuckled and then said with a sigh, "Minako Saeko. I am eighteen years of age. My Line avatar is a level 103 samurai called Shoko." She ignored Taiga's mocking chuckle. "Unfortunately, the only special 'talent' I have is classified top secret." Her declaration raised brows, but considering where they were, it wasn't that much of a surprise.

Taiga followed up. He scratched his head as he thought of what to say. "Eh... name's Taiga. Nineteen... I think? Avatar's called Syel Rifatora. Currently level 90 bloodmage." He spotted Suzuki's spark of interest and grinned sheepishly. "Heh? Someone's finally paying attention. Well then, why don't you tell us about yourself. You've hidden it long enough, don't you think?"

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