The King's Ballad (Part 3)

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The battle unfolding in the Valley of K'iol was unlike any the land of Zytra had ever witnessed. Several races, professions, and classes from all over the continent had banded together to fight a common enemy. Greater yet, the teamwork displayed by the cheering Warriors was one rarely seen even in smaller units. Adventurers all believed they were the best. Getting these inflated egos to work together in harmony was a gargantuan task very few could accomplish. It required either a commander of considerable skill, or a foe so great that they would stand no chance if they did not work together.

Both conditions were fulfilled within the valley that night. Before the Demon King, the Warriors proved the belief that before an even larger foe, all enemies unite. Minutes ago, Razznik might have gloated at being such a fearsome man, but now, he was just irritated. The adventurers' attacks had become synchronized, and they moved with strategy rather than force. The commander had obviously instructed these Warriors to no longer blindly engage the Demon King directly.

Razznik did not care if they organized themselves or not. It would all be meaningless before his might.

Razznik shot an arrow of light into the sky. The light arrow split into dozens of bolts at the apex of its flight and rained down on the enemies surrounding the Demon King. The Mages swiftly reacted to this threat by setting up barriers to protect their units.

Razznik glanced at the Mages, but their comrades refused to give Razznik the chance to attack them. Two swordsmen lunged at the Demon King's back, but Razznik blocked the combined strikes with his staff. The Demon King spun around without pause and bashed in another Warrior's skull. He dropped to the ground as arrows whizzed over him and then extended his staff while he was on the ground. He spun around again, upsetting several Warriors around him.

A set of nimble Assassins jumped over the staff and struck at the exposed Demon King. Razznik's eyes flashed as a black shield appeared on his left arm. He raised the shield over his head and successfully blocked the attack. The collective blow of the Assassins' weapons did not gain any purchase, and the Demon King instantly retaliated.

Razznik's shield arm shot upwards, and the blow forced the Assassins' weapon arms upward. The Demon King sent the fools to the Circle with a swipe of a sword that appeared in his left arm.

Razznik stabbed the Warriors on the ground before they could return to their feet. There was no time for respite as ten more came in their place. Razznik snorted as they approached. He had figured out the enemy's tactic.

When Razznik attacked, a Knight would shield, giving others an opportunity to attack him. This was the tactic most groups used, but it proved largely ineffective against the Demon King's incredible strength. Razznik tore through shields like a knife through butter.

Even more apprehensible was his 'quick-switch' ability.

Most masters could change their weapons while in the middle of a battle and even actions. This allowed for excess combos by the truly skilled. The problem was that it seemed Razznik had been born with weapons in his tiny hands and legs. He seamlessly cycled through his twelve creations at the most opportune times. Furthermore, his method of switching rendered counters futile.

Razznik's switched to his gloves as a Knight charged at him with a lance. He lifted the weapon and the Knight, who was still holding on, and flung them both into the skies above. A ranger capitalized on the opportunity and shot Razznik with arrows charmed with ice and fire. The ranger's excitement instantly died as a shield appeared in Razznik's free hand, which he then used to block the bolts.

Razznik smashed his shield against an onrushing Warrior and then switched to his twin blades and parried blows from several adventurers. Once an opening appeared, he changed to his broadsword and cleaved right through them.

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