Chapter 221: The Curse

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Ygg, Ederwood

9:30 p.m. 19st Banem 1092.

Anya smiled warmly as she looked at the little girls, whose eyes shone with curious anticipation. Evidently, they were enraptured by her tale so far, and were quite eager for its conclusion. She then looked at Rider, who stood off to the side with a straight expression. His apathetic exterior failed to hide the coldness in his eyes. The old wisben knew she had touched a sore spot with her tale.

Rider, since Anya had known him, always carried the pain of losing Zeno close to his heart. To her surprise, the passing centuries had done nothing to ebb the sorrow in his heart. In fact, in this time, he barely spoke to anyone else, unwilling to create close bonds with any mortal, for fear of losing them to the passage of time.

Thus, why Anya was shocked to find Rider was traveling with a child. And enthusiastically at that. It almost seemed he had found a reason to live. Unfortunately, Rider was not the sharing type. She doubted he would convey his newfound resolve even if she asked.

As a result, Anya shook her head and then gently sipped from a cup of herbal tea an attendant had drawn. After moistening her throat, she turned her attention back to the children. "Now, I suppose you must be wondering what this curse I keep referring to is." Zuri and Sophie emphatically nodded, causing Anya to chuckle. "Unfortunately, before we get to the curse, we must first cover Razznik's death and subsequent rebirth..."

Following Zeno's death at his hands, Razznik once again disappeared from the public's view. Rider, however, listened for traces of massive battles, hoping to catch Razznik in one of them. Unfortunately, even after several months of searching, his efforts proved futile.

Eventually, Rider gave up and decided to seek out Zeno's father, Skyrm, to personally deliver the devastating news. Shockingly, however, upon finding Skyrm, the Lord Dragon informed Rider that he had missed Razznik by a few days. Razznik had indeed delivered the news personally.

Skyrm, as expected, was infuriated. Especially when Razznik confessed to his role in Zeno's death. He attacked Razznik, but to his shock, Razznik not only held his own, but managed to eke out a narrow, pyrrhic victory. However, perhaps out of guilt, or some other emotion, Razznik chose not to deliver the finishing blow.

"I always found it odd," Rider suddenly interrupted, his gaze heavy. "Skyrm was too calm back then. Even if he lost to Razznik, he should have hade more grief... more rage in him. But it appears I was fooled. Razznik had a way to save Zeno. He let Skyrm know but chose not to inform me... I wonder, was that how little trust he had in me? Or perhaps, it was retaliation for my not trusting him first?"

"Who knows what goes on in that madman's head?" Anya rebuked with a snort. "His motives are irrelevant. We can only judge him based on his actions."

Rider's eyes narrowed as he let out a sigh. "I suppose you are right."

Anya smiled and then looked at the girls. "Now, as I was saying..."

Rider was just about to give up his search when the goddess Aethir sent out a decree to every realm. In it, she stated that whomsoever defeated the Demon King Zethroa would receive countless rewards, and also, not only be absolved of all crimes they might have committed, but be promised a place in Elysium, the Land of the Gods, following their death.

Aethir might have said this, but we all knew the real reason she gave out this decree. For reasons unknown, Razznik had somehow struck a close relationship with the Demon King, starting from his younger days. In the world, Demon King Zethroa was most likely the only living person that could be considered Razznik's friend. Aethir clearly hoped to smoke Razznik out of hiding by placing a bounty on his friend's head.

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