Chapter 215: Kashi and Lunette

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Redmont, Serisis.

Ten Minutes Earlier...

Laughter and discussions filled Redmont Manor's ballroom as delegates from the Three Kingdoms mingled, drank wine, and forged essential connections for the future. Wondrous music provided by the Serian court enhanced the jovial mood, as even the kings loosened up and drank a few jugs of wine.

"Announcing, Master Kashi, Guildmaster of the Hopeful Maggots, accompanied by the Voice of the Heavens, Miss Lunette Falsetto."

The chamberlain's announcement drew the crowd's attention to the door. A resentful Kashi glared at the announcer, while Lunette's graceful smile melted the crowd's hearts. Lunette gently tugged Kashi's arm, who, after one last glare at the chamberlain, led Lunette into the room amidst adoring and awestruck gazes.

Kashi and Lunette paid their respects to the kings and were consequently mobbed by the eager politicians and crowds. Kashi's brows twitched in suppressed anger as he was forced to field questions and requests from many thirsty businessmen looking to forge partnerships. He looked around in hopes of finding Miote, but unfortunately, but he and Leila were occupied by guests of their own.

Moments later, Kashi checked his side, only to find that Lunette was missing. A quick scan of the surroundings revealed her to be surrounded by a group of women. On the surface, the ladies seemed to be discussing Lunette's clothing, her tailors, and make-up – the expected stuff. But upon closer inspection, these women were actually securing business deals among themselves and sizing each other up to decide who the top dog was.

All this business talk was far too taxing and tiring for the poor daeben. If it were not for Lunette and Leila, Kashi would have fled the scene long ago. As it were, though, he was fast approaching his limit.

Suddenly, Kashi's salvation came in the form of the Rosen King.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

King Parissius tapped his glass, drawing the room's attention. The handsome king flashed a charming grin and raised his glass. "On behalf of Rosendun and her people, I wish to thank everyone present here tonight. Without your unflinching support, we would not be gathered in this room in peace." The king then glanced at Kashi. "However, I must raise this glass to The Hopeful Maggots, a fiercely loyal, brave, and upright guild, without whom any of this would have been possible."

"Hear Hear," chanted King Xafier as he raised his mug in agreement. King Chu also raised his glass, the twinkle in his eyes relaying his approval.

King Parissius laughed as he toasted to the Maggots, "Kashi, will you accept my glass?"

Kashi inwardly groaned as even more eyes turned to him. Damn it! How the hell was a man supposed to maintain a low profile with all these attention grabbers around him. Despite his discomfort, the daeben issued a smile as he accepted a glass from a waiter. Raising the glass, he said, "It would be my honor, Your Majesty," and then knocked back the wine in one quick gulp.

"Haha, Brilliant!" cheered King Parissius as he, too, knocked back his drink. Following his charge, the room downed their drinks as the merry mood intensified. However, the young king was not done yet. With a twinkle in his eyes, King Parissius looked at the nearby Lunette. "Ms. Falsetto, I am ashamed to state that most of us have only ever heard your angelic voice from a sound stone. Would you please do us the honor of performing a single song, that we may experience the divine in person?"

Lunette surreptitiously glanced at Kashi, but upon seeing his indifference, curtsied, and then said, "It would be my honor, Your Majesty."

Amidst roaring applause, Lunette walked up to the stage, where the royal orchestra received her with bright smiles. The songstress greeted the orchestra, then turned to King Parissius, "Is there any particular song His Majesty would like?"

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