Chapter 202: Maggots' Defense

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Throne Room,

Riven, Rosendun.

1:32 p.m. 18th Banem 1092

Curses and angry shouts rained aloud in the throne room as several ministers let loose a hail of insults on Kashi, the hated daeben and paragon of all things evil. Surprisingly, however, contrary to expectations, Kashi remained silent throughout the abuses with a small smile on his face. Occasionally, he would turn to Leila or send an apologetic smile King Parissius' way.

The daeben was well aware of the newly crowned king's sensitive position. King Parissius could not afford to openly go against his entire court to favor a Summoned like Kashi. An act like that could easily be spun into dangerous libel by willing forces.

Kashi and the Hopeful Maggots would have to take care of this issue themselves, or at the very least, create an opening King Parissius could exploit.

"Silence, you imbeciles!" A voice shouted amidst all the shouting, drawing the attention of everyone to a balding 60-65 years old cerulean man with sharp grey eyes. "You are in the presence of the One and only King of Rosendun!" he sharply rebuked, causing the rowdy ministers to bow their heads in shame. "Your grievances may be justified, but we must use reason, not force, to prove our point. This is the difference between Residents and Summoned."

"Damn it," Leila cursed, realizing the mortal danger this man threatened. He had formulated the perfect opportunity to launch the first blow against the Hopeful Maggots in the guise of respecting the king.

"So, the true boss finally reveals himself," Kashi muttered under his breath, eyes narrowed as a snide smile slid up the corner of his lips. The daeben leaned into Leila and whispered, "Do you know him."

"Yes," Leila replied, brows furrowed in a tight frown. "Name's Lennoc Zitch, Minister of the Chamber of Commerce. We got into a row during a previous policy meeting when I suggested that those with a yearly income of 10 million Syros and above pay an additional 15% tax to help fund social projects and reduce the burden on the lower and middle class. He's had it out for me since. I did not anticipate he would hijack such an important moment to push his agenda." Leila turned to Kashi with an apologetic look, "I am terribly sorry. I should have planned for this."

"Forget it," Kashi said with a wave of his hand. "No one's perfect. Not even you." The daeben then smiled as he said, "Besides, I like to think of this as a free method of finding out who is truly trustworthy among the council."

"Kashi-dono, does the court amuse you!?"

Kashi lazily looked over his shoulder at Zitch, who was glaring at him with a challenging gaze. After a moment, he replied with a slight smile, "Not so, minister. I just happen to be a cheery person by nature. Please, do continue. I consider criticisms to be ladders that help me eventually avail over the endless obstacle we call life."

"Such sophistry laced with sarcasm so poisonous it could slay a gorgon," Zitch spat with a disgusted expression. "Indeed, you consider the sacred throne room of Rosendun where sits the one true ruler beneath you. And you dare claim to be an ally of Rosendun and her people?"

Kashi knew better than to engage in a verbal spat with these snake-tongued ministers. These people were capable of turning black into white and water into vinegar with their words alone. Therefore, Kashi shrugged and turned back to the front, awaiting whatever this Zitch character had to say.

"Undying Rose of Rosendun, King Parrissius Vermillion," praised Zitch as he stepped out of the ministers' line-up and walked up to the edge of the carpet. The wizened minister bowed his head and then pointed at Kashi. "This man has, on numerous occasions, shown contempt towards the Rosen court, spitting on the values that make our ancestors instilled while they fought to build this country. He is callous, proud, and full of ambition, without any intention of bowing to another."

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