Chapter 212: Empire's Foundation (2)

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Redmont Manor,


2:52 p.m. 19th Banem 1092.

With the most pressing issues resolved, the meeting room's atmosphere significantly improved. The ministers no longer sported tense expressions but instead, calm smiles, eager to tackle the remaining issues. Everyone looked to the strong wisben at the center of the room, anticipating her next words.

Leila took in the room's atmosphere, gauging each person's expressions. After reading the room, she finally said, "You've all done an excellent job so far. Thank you for keeping this civil and respectful. Thankfully, we are done with the most contentious issues. Now, let's go through the last few items on the list, shall we?"

Leila nodded as she received approving nods from the kings and then said, "Trade. The bedrock of every growing economy. We do not intend to change the status quo too much. Except that the Empire's territory will be a free-trade area. For those not cognizant with economic terms, this means that merchants would have to pay tariffs when taking their goods between cities or across borders." Leila glanced out the corner of her eyes at Miote, who sported a massive Cheshire grin. "To better explain the economic ramifications of this policy, I call on Miote, our Chief Economist."

Miote rose from his seat, drawing the room's attention. Sporting a brilliant smile, the chesch bowed at the waist in every direction. He then acknowledged Leila and turned his attention to the round table's occupants. "Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. As the lovely Ms. Lightwood introduced, my name is Miote. I run the Hopeful Maggots' finances and am in charge of overseeing the growth and allocation of the guild's funds."

"However, before any of this, I am first and foremost a merchant," admitted Miote. "Fortunately, my unique position as a Summoned merchant has granted me the time, opportunity, and ability to deliver goods across cities and country borders." Miote's smile turned wry as he recalled, "Unfortunately, during my time as a merchant, I saw first hand one of the major reasons why many Resident merchants tend to stick to a small province: It is far too expensive for ordinary merchants to trade across cities."

"Aside from the obvious cost and dangers of transporting goods, several cities and towns impose unreasonable tariffs on imported goods to line the pockets of the higher-ups." Miote's gaze turned hostile as he narrated, "I once had this horrible experience in a small town just north of Rosendun. I traveled from Kerta with some Iron ores, looking to sell them in this town because they were rare in the north. Only, I was met with an impossible 60% tax on reaching the gate. Keep in mind, I had to pay for these ores and also pay for the transportation. A 60% tax would put me in the red. Naturally, I chose to leave that town and go elsewhere. Only later did I learn the reason for the tax. Apparently, a mine owner had bribed several mayors to raise tariffs on iron ore. This way, his mine alone supplied about seven towns. And since he could control the output, this ensured there was always a scarcity, driving up the price of ores."

Miote folded his hands behind his back. "Now, you might think this is anecdotal evidence, but I can assure you: thousands of merchants face this problem every day. However, it has become so commonplace that they see it as a normal cost of doing business. Of course, this forces all but the absurdly rich to limit their activities to a small region."

"A free trade policy will eradicate this issue," Miote stated. "Also, it will encourage merchants to engage in business spanning country borders. This, in turn, will increase the chances of consumers receiving cheap but high-quality goods as they will have far more options to choose from." Miote glanced at Asha and said, "This policy will also encourage migration between nations. With so many races mingling with each other, it won't be long before prejudice against certain races drops to an all-time low. The times of labeling certain tribes as war-races or savage will be long gone."

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