Chapter 228: I Want to Fight

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Suzuki's Room.

11:32 p.m. 20th June 2024.

Suzuki stretched as he walked out of his room. The young man cracked his neck, freeing up joints that had locked from staying in place for too long. He then made his way to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and silently munched on it as he organized his chaotic thoughts. It had been a crazy nine days for Kashi—possibly more eventful than the previous months combined. The daeben, and in turn, Suzuki had been forced to face their inner demons. The parts they did not like to think about.

'Razznik.' Suzuki frowned as he recalled the warrior who effortlessly trounced Kashi. 'That's not him.' Suzuki was sure of Razznik's death. He was right there when Razznik 'disappeared.'

'But then, why?' Why did that Razznik feel so familiar? It wasn't just physical. Suzuki knew Razznik better than anyone else. The bone-deep arrogance. Eyes that only sought strength. Actions that often contradicted his words. 'It's the same.' This Razznik was the same in every way. If Suzuki had not witnessed Razznik's passing, he would have sworn this was the real man.

'Shouyou, you bastard. What did you do?' Suzuki decided he had to meet Shouyou soon. There were too many things that blond devil had to answer for. 'There's Zuri, too.' Though this was for Kashi, Suzuki did need to find out about Zuri. But, not now. Not tonight.

For now, Suzuki had other plans. Something had been bugging him. Something he noticed the last time he trained but did not put too much emphasis on. Suzuki looked at the half-eaten apple in his hand.

He squeezed.


The young man frowned as he examined the dripping mess. Somehow, he had just crushed an apple. Suzuki knew his strength better than most. If he used the finger technique, he could crush an apple, sure. But like this? With his fingers flat across the surface? That was not ordinary.

But, there was only one way to test this theory for sure.

Suzuki cleaned up his mess and then made his way out of the apartment. The young man stopped outside the building and then gazed up at the dark sky. The moonless sky didn't feel so lonely as the stars were out in full force. Suzuki gazed at the dense star clusters. 'That night. What was the sky like when Razznik died?' "Whatever." The young man snorted, pulled up his hood, and then walked across the empty streets to the training center.

As a result of gamers' irregular hours, the training center was open 24-hours. Suzuki, thankful for this, entered the hall and then made his way to a fitness machine. The machine, released by Genaco, allowed its user to perform a comprehensive fitness test. From weight to stamina and strength. It resembled a treadmill but had a raised platform housing a catcher's mitt. To test your strength, all you had to do was punch them, mitt. The score would then be displayed.

The last time Suzuki used one was at a gym near his previous home. At the time, he had gotten a score of 500 lbs, which was beyond impressive for a slim teenager. By comparison, heavyweight boxers achieved around 900-1000 lbs, while the average person had about 200 lbs.

Suzuki stared at the catcher's mitt as he climbed onto the machine. The young man pulled his right arm back as he slowly took a deep breath. He then crouched, raising his left arm ahead of him in a striking stance. A moment...


Like a bullet from a barrel, Suzuki burst forward. The young man's body swiveled, sending a massive rotational force from his legs to his waist. Without wasting a sliver of momentum, that force was then transferred to his arms. Suzuki's fist spun as he punched out.

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