Chapter 86: Girl in the Pit

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"What did you just say!?"

Hektor shrunk back from Lunette's terrible glare. There was nothing of the cute songstress he had become accustomed to. In her place was a fiery demon with a cold glare that threatened to petrify him. "K-Kashi's been taken," Hektor repeated.

Meilfour's Hopeful Maggots (except the orchestra) were gathered in Muko's underground cellar/meeting room. Hektor and Jade stood across from Lunette and Shadow, separated by a table. Syèl and Shoko stood some ways off, silently monitoring the situation. Kira, meanwhile, seemed content to sleep near the stairs, apparently unperturbed.

"He's not a purse," Lunette pressed. "How exactly does someone get taken?"

"That would be a result of my actions," a voice answered. All eyes turned to the top of the stairs, where Muko stood with two Chetahs and a Sphinx.

Kira momentarily raised her head to commit their scents and faces to memory. Once done, she laid down, her nonchalance as good an approval as any they would get to enter the chamber.

Asha warily glanced at the massive direwolf as she passed by. It seemed the songs of Kashi and his demon hound weren't as farfetched as first assumed. Diatte and Kaga flanked her on both sides as she approached the guild.

"That's far enough hon," Syèl called, finger raised. "Name and business."

A sadistic twinkle in Syel's eyes sent shivers down Asha's spine as a single glance around the room confirmed her thoughts. Every living being in this room was a monster. Apart from herself, Diatte and Kaga, she had no doubt each one could clear through her men with relative ease. Her hand clasped tightly around the sword they had so arrogantly let her keep. "Asha," she answered. "My name is Asha, and these are Diatte and Kaga, my lieutenants."

"Nice to meet you," Lunette greeted, trying to put her best smile on. She failed. It ended up coming off as a cold warning. "My name is Lunette Falsetto, and this is my brother, Shadow." She went on to introduce each Maggot. "Ms. Asha, could you elaborate on what you meant by this being a result of your actions?"

Asha raised a surprised brow. Of everybody in this room, she had least expected the songstress to take the mantle of interim leader. She looked the weakest of the lot. However, as those cold eyes suggested, there might be more to this girl than met the eye. Asha would have to be careful. "I have been searching for Kashi of the daeben for a long time."


"To kill hi—" A cold blade against Asha's jugular froze the words in her mouth.

Shadow whispered into her ear, "Choose your next words carefully."

"You!" Diatte yelled as he made to pou—BAM!

The ground trembled as Hektor grabbed his face and then slammed him against the floor.

A translucent flaming dome encased Kaga before he could process the volatile situation. Panicked, Kaga looked across the room to see Syèl's cocky grin. The blood mage wagged his finger in playful warning.

Despite the explosive chaos, Asha could not afford to take her eyes off the most significant threat in the room at the moment: Lunette's measured gaze. It was a terrible, terrible sight. Once vibrant greenish-blue orbs now resembled the eye of a typhoon, cold and ruthless.

Both women stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Then Lunette closed her eyes. When she reopened them, they had relaxed, losing most of that goring animosity. "On another day, I would ask for your reasons for wanting Kashi dead," Lunette revealed. "However, right now, time is of the essence. So, if you know anything of his current whereabouts, please, speak."

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