Chapter 22 - Pursuit

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Hi my dears! Merry Christmas!!! Hope you are well and safe and having wonderful holydays! To make it even better I'm very happy to present to you... (drum roll) Chapter 20! :D Just kidding!

Sorry for making you wait soooooo long for this chapter, but these days my life's been crazy and very busy...

Anyways, I'm anxious to hear what you think about it, I've worked on it for such a long time and I really hope it came out well.

Ok, hope you enjoy reading this. Thank you for your support!


The last sunrays had long disappeared behind the tall trees and high peaks of the Great Forest. The clear blue sky was becoming darker by the minute, but it seemed that the coming night didn't trouble the inhabitants of the capital in the least. The streets were still buzzing with life, as they had been earlier, when Ayden and Thalya had traveled to the palace.

Now that the young woman had removed her hood, their presence was attracting even more attention.

As they rode through Myrandell in silence, whispers pursued them.

Orosta trotted slowly on the carriageway, and Thalya felt her eyelids grow heavy. She blinked quickly, afraid sleep might overtake her.

Hopefully, soon they reached the boundaries of the town and Orosta went past the entry of a large garden. To Thalya's surprise, her senses were invaded by the familiar aromas of herbs. In the dim light, she noticed plants were growing in perfect lines beside the alley.

"Daro," Thalya felt Ayden's warm breath graze her neck.

Finally, they had attained their destination. As Ayden dismounted the steed, suddenly, the night grew colder and Thalya shivered.

The young man helped her down then led her to the entrance of a considerably large two-story building.

When they neared the wooden structure, Thalya saw the walls were minutely decorated with carvings that resembled lavender and chamomile flowers. She remembered then what her father Gore had taught her about these herbs. In Sundardi folklore, they symbolized healing, and it occurred to Thalya that maybe it was the same in Elven traditions.

As the two walked inside, Thalya was surprised how well lit the building was. An elf woman came to meet them at the entrance.

"Amarië sinyë, tári," Ayden greeted, "lwë náier sinomë an véla Emrys".

The woman nodded, "hilya ni," she motioned them to follow.

The elf led them through a corridor and soon they entered a spacious room with many empty beds. Everything looked so tidy and clean that Thalya was afraid she might soil something just by standing next to it.

On the far side of the room, Thalya finally perceived Emrys. He was resting in one of the beds, his copper colored hair spread wildly on his pillow, and his usual brown robe replaced with a clean white gown. The elder looked so weak and tired that it pained Thalya to look at him. He didn't appear injured and no outside wounds were visible but Thalya was sure the Grand Mage had found another way to hurt him.

"Ro du ala ná vaxë," the lady-elf warned.

"Lá, tári," Ayden acknowledged.

The elf left and Thalya turned to Ayden:

Tales of Sundardesha: Journey of a lost queen (book I)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن