Chapter 4 - The Dream

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They ran through the trees for what felt like forever. With every step, Thalya felt her feet become heavier, until she stumbled on a root her knees sinking in the hard ground. Short-winded, the young woman tried to stand but it was no use, her limbs felt like someone had attached sandbags to them. The stranger helped her up and she leant on him for support but as soon as she took another step, her knees buckled.

She looked up in the darkness searching for the man's eyes.

"It is no use, I can't go on," she said feeling defeated, she still couldn't catch her breath.

"We can't stop. They'll find us," he said with determination.

"But what do they want with me?" Thalya asked, aching to understand what had caused her life to turn upside down so abruptly. A small part of her hoped this was some kind of a nightmare she was soon going to wake from.

"The queen wants you dead," the man said harshly, clearly losing his patience again. "Listen, we have to go. Now is not the time for explanations," he said through clenched teeth, pulling up her callously.

"But why? What did I do?" Thalya dug further.

"This feud started before you were even born," he said, annoyance in his voice. "Let's go!"

He pulled her to himself for support but before he could start walking, Thalya interrupted him.

"Wait," she uttered, unsure if she should test his patience.

"What is it now?" he asked with audible irritation.

Thalya was sure his jaw was clenched in the darkness.

"I want to know your name... and the reason you are helping me." She blurted out with a slight hesitation.

"Let's say, that I have no other choice," he spat, a strange bitterness in his voice and started dragging Thalya along.

"And your name," she insisted as she kept on stumbling.

"Ayden," he said reluctantly. "Come on, we have to get out of the village."

They walked a little while longer and when no more voices were perceptible, the stranger took an odd small pipe from the inner pocket of his vest. He blew in it but it made no sound.

"What is that?" Thalya couldn't help but ask.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are asking way too many questions for your own good, lassie?" annoyance dripped from every word.

They came to a stop and Ayden blew in the pipe again. A few minutes later, Thalya heard the sound of hooves through the trees. Finally, a black unsaddled horse appeared in front of her.

"Hello, old friend," Ayden said.

Thalya was sure he was smiling in the darkness as he caressed the horse's muzzle. He put his hands on Thalya's waist and lifted her with such ease as if she was a feather. After positioning her on the horseback, he sat behind her.

The young man caught the reins in a tight grip and pronounced something unintelligible.

Suddenly, the horse galloped with all its strength.

While the horse was running through the now thickening trees, Thalya could feel the exhaustion with every fiber of her body.

As Ayden held her, his arm wrapped around her abdomen, she felt his other hand move as if he was looking for something.

Tales of Sundardesha: Journey of a lost queen (book I)Where stories live. Discover now