Chapter 21 - Erin Taür

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Hi my dears! Sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter, but these days my life's been crazy and very busy...

Anyways, I'm very happy to present to you... (drum roll) Chapter 18!

I'm anxious to hear what you think about it, I've worked on it for such a long time and I really hope it came out well.

Ok, hope you enjoy reading this. Thank you for your support!


"What?!" Ayden exclaimed, "Daro!" he shouted at Orosta and the steed stopped so abruptly that if he were not holding her, Thalya would have fallen.

The knight jumped swiftly from the horseback and pulled Thalya to the ground as well.

"Is this what you have been thinking all along?" his eyes insistently stared into hers.

Surprised by the suddenness of his actions, she nodded slowly.

"So the resentment you've been feeling," he seemed relieved, "It wasn't for me but for Anaya?"

"I guess," Thalya furrowed her brows, "Wait, how do you know what I've been feeling?"

He leant his forehead against hers, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thalya, you have no idea how happy I am," there was a broad smile on his features.

"You're happy that I'm jealous?" Thalya frowned.

"Well no, of course not," he considered her words for a moment, "It's just... I was worried I had lost your trust".

"You haven't," she said, 'for now' was the unspoken thought on her mind, "Although, if you don't start being honest about you and Anaya, you might not benefit from it for much longer," she stated firmly.

Ayden chuckled, "I can assure you there has never been, and there never will be anything more than friendship between me and Anaya," the man held her gaze as he spoke.

"I certainly hope so but are you sure she is aware of that?" Thalya raised a brow.

"Yes, I think she is," Ayden's voice was very soft; "I promise you, that never once in my life have I ever seen another woman the way I see you".

"And how is that?" Thalya could feel the butterflies fill her stomach.

As Ayden opened his mouth to respond, Orosta neighed, insistently digging its hooves into the dirt.

"Orosta's right," Ayden nodded, "If we don't hurry we'll be late".

"Really?" Thalya murmured, "Now you also speak with horses?"

"I heard that," Ayden smirked smugly, and then as he was about to turn toward the black horse he pulled Thalya to himself and planted a breathtaking kiss on her lips. "We should go," as he spoke he pulled the hood of her cloak over her head.

They climbed atop the mount and continued their trip to Myrandell in silence but Thalya could sense Ayden's beaming grin as he held her close to his chest.

She had to admit, she felt relieved herself, but there was a tint of disappointment in her. She had been hoping to hear Ayden confirm his feelings about her. However, so far, every time their conversation had been led in that direction, he had graciously evaded the subject.

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