Chapter 14 - Feelings

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Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read my story! I am proud of myself, this is chapter 14! Can you believe it?

Okay, so to the point, this chapter didn't come out quite the way I'd planned it. Seems like I got lost in the feelings between Thalya and Ayden. Anyway, to avoid making the part too long and heavy to read I decided to leave the action for the next chapter. Hope you'll enjoy reading it!

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Thalya lay on the soft bed her gaze fixed on the ceiling.

She had been accommodated in the most beautifully decorated bedchamber. It was a quite spacious room with a large double bed, a set of armchairs made of splendid mahogany and a fine-looking damask in royal blue with a pattern of golden flowers. The end table and writing desk were a matching mahogany. The walls were covered in a lighter shade of blue wallpaper with beige shapes.

For the first time since they had left Cardender, she was truly alone and though the bed was quite comfortable, sleep just couldn't find her. She rolled on her stomach and rested her head on her palms.

So many things had happened since she had escaped from the small village, she had discovered so much about the world, about her powers, about her feelings.

She let out a heavy sigh, in a few hours, they had to leave so they could save her father and though she was supposed to get some rest, her head was buzzing and she just couldn't close her eyes.

Thalya got up and adjusted the nightgown Gryselda had lent her. Though it was a quite simple white cotton nightdress, it had a very revealing cleavage that needed to be adjusted often. The set of puff sleeves got in the way, which was way Thalya had pulled them up to her elbows.

Thalya noticed the empty plate she had forgotten on the desk. Earlier, she had been served dinner and the meal had disappeared within minutes.

She had to admit it had been quite an unladylike but her empty stomach had been growling insistently the entire evening.

She took the plate and decided to find her way to the kitchen so she could leave it there. She didn't have a peignoir she could put over the nightgown, so she hoped that by now most of Wolnost's members would either be gone or asleep.

She left her room and descended the majestic staircase.

Thalya walked through the dimly lit hallways then passed through an imposing dining room and found a door that led to the kitchen.

Everything in this aristocratic house seemed fancy and magnificent compared to the modest cottage Thalya had grown up in, even the kitchen.

She walked in the empty dark room and didn't bother to light a candle, the light of the full moon was enough for her to see. She left the plate on one of the counters and saw a jug full of water. She found an empty cut and poured some liquid in it then took a large sip.

Immediately as the solution made contact with her mouth Thalya realized it wasn't water but some very strong spirit, probably Rakia. She swallowed the large gulp, and as the burning sensation choked her, her eyes watered and she felt the liquid warm her insides.

She leant on the counter as she coughed lightly, trying her best to be discreet and not attract anyone's attention.

She felt so silly, she should have smelled the fluid before drinking it, but it hadn't occurred to her it could have been anything else but water.

"Can't sleep?" Ayden's quiet voice made Thalya jump and she let out a low squeal. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he apologized as she turned to face him.

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