Chapter 10 - Ritender

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Thalya opened her eyes and squeezed them shut right away.

The morning light was too bright. Slowly, she rubbed her eyes and made another attempt, blinking rapidly until her eyes finally adjusted to the light.

The young woman discovered she was lying down on soft green grass. The inviting warmth of a fire could be felt next her.

She scrutinized the view. From what she was able to see, she was surrounded by plains covered by grass that swayed lightly under the gentle touch of the breeze.

Thalya rolled to her side and tried to sit up slowly. As she leant on her arms for support, her head started throbbing forcefully and she gasped when nausea invaded her senses.

She lay down immediately and inhaled deeply holding the breath in an effort to prevent the convulsions of her gastro-intestinal tract.

The young woman felt so worn down that every movement gave her the sensation there were bags of sand strapped to her limbs.

She recognized the feeling. The last time she had had the same experience was the morning after Garvis had attacked her.

She carefully moved her hands and rested them on her forehead. Once she was sure the motion didn't make her dizzy, she started rubbing her forehead in the hopes this would bring her some relief.

"Oh you are finally awake." She heard Saoirse's voice. "How are you feeling?" her friend asked with concern.

"I..." Thalya started with a raspy voice, then cleared her throat, "I feel tired," she managed to say shortly. "What happened? Where are we?"

"This" Saoirse pointed at the grassy plains. "is Airë Valinör – The Holy Land of the Gods. The mages consider these grounds sacred."

"How do you know this?" Thalya asked slowly.

"Ayden told me." Saoirse shrugged and Thalya noticed her somber expression.

Thalya closed her eyes and tried hard to remember the events from the previous night.

"What happened?" She asked again.

Saoirse was silent for a long moment.

"Well, after we saved Kiara's family from that monstrous troll, some guards decided to show up," Saoirse spoke bitterly.

"Damn," Thalya mumbled. "And then? I can barely remember anything."

"Then Ayden shot them with his bow but one of them blew a horn and as you can imaging." She paused unhappily. "Reinforcement came."

"Did anyone get hurt?" Thalya feared the response but she had to know.

Saoirse was silent for a long moment and Thalya instinctively held her breath.

"Ayden got away with minor injuries." She mustered.

Thalya let the breath out but then realized there was something else that her friend was withholding.

"But Tiergan." Saoirse finally went on. "He stayed behind to slow the guards down." Saoirse's voice wavered. "And he still hasn't caught up with us."

There was a lump in Thalya's throat.

"What do you mean?" She sat up and felt her head spin but forced herself to remain in a sitting position.

Saoirse sniffed.

"I mean that he saved Ayden's life and in order to save us all, he stayed behind. What isn't clear?" Saoirse snapped.

Thalya didn't respond, instead she stood up abruptly. The motion made her head spin more severely and she fell on her knees.

Tales of Sundardesha: Journey of a lost queen (book I)Where stories live. Discover now