Chapter 11 - The House of Callas

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They arrived in front of a two-story building branded as "The House of Callas". The curtains on the windows prevented Thalya from seeing inside but the bright light and the loud noise were a sure sign the place was far from empty.

Ayden pushed the wooden door open and the smell of smoke and spirits came out.

As the three companions walked in, Thalya realized her fears were not unfounded – it was a brothel. In the eyes of society, it was considered one of the worst places one could visit.

As they walked forward, the young woman blushed and tried to not to stare.

Practically all the men that were sitting had a bottle on their table and a woman on their lap. What was more disturbing, in most cases their hands were buried under the girls' garments. The so called "garments" didn't cover much either, they were comprised of a bodice with a very large cleavage and a skirt with such a long slit that fabric fell to the side revealing the women's legs in all their length.

Thalya looked away and noticed in one of the corners a man, pressing a woman against a wall, licking her neck, while she moaned in pleasure. The young woman quickly turn her gaze away again, blushing profusely under her hood.

"Madame Giustina," Ayden addressed an older woman that was standing behind the bar.

She looked about Bernt's age, her greying hair was braided to the side, and like the younger employees of the brothel, her gown was as revealing.

Thalya glared at her, the woman seemed to be the owner, which meant she was the one putting those poor girls up to this indecent behavior.

While Ayden spoke to her in a hushed voice, one of the "fille de joie" walked past them, putting two golden bryanns on the counter.

"Madame Giustina, I'll be taking the gentleman upstairs," she giggled.

The older woman turned for a moment and then handed the girl a key.

"There you go sweetheart." She smiled motherly. "Have fun."

"I will," the other woman smiled devilishly. As she turned to leave she suddenly stopped and stared at Ayden. "Ayden!" she squealed and pressed herself against him as she grabbed his arm. "I didn't know you came back!"

"Nancilea," Ayden said awakwardly. "It is nice to see you."

"Oh well," Nancilea pouted, "I was hoping for a little more than that." Thalya couldn't help but noticed how the prostitute rubbed her breasts against Ayden's arm while she spoke. "Maybe we could entertain each other later," she suggested in a seductive voice.

Thalya clenched her fist. She wanted to grab the harlot by the fair hair and slap her until her vile smile was gone.

"Don't." Saoirse caught her arm.

"Come on, Nancilea, your customer is waiting." Madam Guistina shooed her away.

"Alright, alright," Nancilea rushed past Thalya who was now seeing red.

So that was how it was, the old hag was the owner of the whorehouse.

"Don't you have any shame?!" The young woman closed the distance to the counter and banged her fist on the wooden surface.

Her sudden reaction caught the attention of some of the customers and part of the noise was cut in expectation of the coming quarrel.

"Thalya, you're attracting attention." Ayden was suddenly next to her.

"What are you talking about, dear?" Madame Giustina questioned unperturbed.

Apparently, it was not uncommon for her to get this type of complaints.

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