Chapter 4- Goals and Gears

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Chapter 4: Goals and Gears

● Ky ●

I found myself woken up by a woman straddling me on my bed. Her short cropped blonde hair swayed as she put kisses down my jaw. "Morning..." she purred.

I had completely forgotten what had happened last night. There were faint memories of me drinking at a bar, taking home this woman whose name I forgot, and then sleeping with her.

"Get off," I groaned, but she continued to run her fingers on me.

I had no choice but to push her off of me as gently as I could. I saw her pout but I didn't care. My head was pounding and it felt like tiny little people were slowly hammering away at my skull.

Hangovers are a bitch.

What the hell was I thinking, bringing back a woman who I hardly knew to my place. I always made sure I go to her house so I could just leave quickly. Now I had to tell her to get out without coming off as a dick.

I rubbed my hands over my face. "You should leave. I have to be somewhere."

She rubbed her hands on my shoulders but I quickly stood up and looked for my jeans.

"Can't I shower first?" she asked.

"Sure." I pointed to the bathroom.

Walking to the kitchen, I poured myself a cup of coffee, ignoring the painful hangover I was having.

When the girl got out, I called her a cab and she left, but not before she reminded me to 'call her'. Yeah, fat chance.

I was thankful it was a Sunday because I soon passed out on the couch.

● Kate ●

"What the..." I groaned, shielding the blinding sunlight rays out of my face. Stanley was jumping on the bed, wagging his tail around and licking my face.

"Ew! Stanley, get off!" I swatted him away but he kept clambering over me.

"Ugh..." I sat up and scratched his ears, which seemed to do the trick. He hopped off the bed and ran out the bedroom door.

Turning on my phone, I looked at the time. 5:38 p.m. "Shit!" I yelled and stumbled to get ready.

It was Thursday, and today was the first New York Rangers hockey game of the season. I was pumped but nervous.

"Ah!" I yelped, tripping over Stanley's tail. He just looked up at me with innocent eyes.

I got up on my feet again and changed into some clothes. How could I sleep until 5 in the evening?

Ignoring my ringing phone, I finally packed my jersey and padding into my black Nike duffel bag and ran out the door.

"Bye Stanley! Wish me luck!" I felt silly saying goodbye to a dog who wouldn't have a clue what I was saying, but hopped in my car anyways.

It had been weeks since I used this old red pickup, but I was already late and had to get going.

The poor truck's paint was peeling off, and there were rusted spots all over the rims and edges. I winced when a harsh groan from the hood squeaked, but it finally moved forward.

Thankfully, players and associates of the NY Rangers had their own parking lot behind the stadium, so I easily slipped out of the truck and ran in from the back entrance.

When I opened the locker room door and ran in, I froze when all eyes were trained on me.

"Miss Pruitt," Coach said, turning to me, "why are you late?"

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