Chapter 28 - She Shoots, She Scores!

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Chapter 28: She Shoots, She Scores!

Kate sat in the lobby for five minutes while listening to the heavy rain outside since the new doorman, Noah, had called Ky and told him that she was waiting down here. Her heart was beating so fast that she was surprised it hadn't popped right out of her chest.

I'm going to see Ky. For the first time in four years, I'm actually going to hear his voice.

She just prayed to God that he didn't hate her.

Kate was there on a mission, one that involved her confessing her pent up love to Ky. One that she didn't realize she had until three weeks ago.

What if he's married? She wondered with horror. Or in a relationship? Or what if he has kids with his wife?

Tens of thousands of scenarios ran through her head before the elevator door dinged open and out stepped the one man she had been dreaming about for four years.

Clad in beige khaki shorts and a gray t-shirt, he looked even more handsome and heart stopping than ever. She noticed how he looked like he had been panting.

"Ky." She said, the name feeling nice on her tongue. She hadn't spoken his name in far too long.

Looking into those same amazing green eyes of his, he smiled. And it nearly knocked her off her feet.

"Hey there, Kate. Long time no see."

An electric fence couldn't have stopped her then. With three long strides, she reached him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his into the tightest hug she's ever given him.

"Ky," she whispered once more, loving the feel of him back in her arms.

His own wrapped around her waist and lifted her up as he nuzzled his face into her hair. "God, Kate. I missed you."

She leaned back to study his face, tears in her eyes. "Really?"

He nodded, looking down at her soft features.

"I've missed you so much, you know." Kate said, grinning. "For four years I regretted a lot of things, and one was not saying goodbye to you."

He pulled her in for another hug. "It's okay. You're here now, that's all that matters."

He pulled her back to look at her some more. She's so God damn beautiful.

"I need to tell you something." She said, cupping his face. "Something that I didn't realize until it was too late. I was a fool to let you go and leave like that, but I want you to know..."

"So...should I leave or what?" Noah said from behind the desk. Ky slid him a long look as he hurried out of the lobby; leaving Kate and Ky in each other's arms.

"You were saying?" Ky said cheekily.

She sighed, shaking her head in disbelief at this incredible man. Stroking his jaw with her thumb, she spoke. "I love you."

Ky's face lit up and the whole world gave him a high five. Grinning, he pecked her lips ever so lightly. "Say it again."

Kate giggled, feeling like a lovesick teenager around him. "I love you."

He left a feather light kiss again. "One more time, baby."

She cupped his strong jaw and held it in place as she stared into his loving eyes. "I, Kate Pruitt, love you, Ky Salazar, with all my beating heart. Always have."

He grinned so brightly that his cheeks hurt. "I love you, too, sweetheart." Then he kissed her exactly as he's been dreaming about for years. She kissed him back. Damn right she did.

He leaned back and gazed dreamily into her eyes. God, I'm such a love struck idiot. And Ky didn't mind that one bit.

"You're going to marry me sooner or later, right?" he asked, kissing her temple.

She beamed and the whole world lit up. "I'd be an idiot not to."

He kissed her more fiercely until she gasped and pushed away.

"Wait, I have something for you." And she led them both up to his penthouse; stealing more than a few kisses along the way in the elevator. Kate was sure Noah was having the time of his life watching the surveillance footage from the security camera in there.

When they reached his living room, he tried to pull her against him, but she backed away. "Wait right here." Then Kate ran off towards the bathroom.

Ky stood there, waiting just as told in anticipation. When he heard the soft padding of footsteps behind him, he turned and lost his breath. Ky was too stunned for words.

Kate wore nothing but a lacy black bra and matching panties. He could hardly take it in.

"Race you!" she exclaimed with a mischievous smile, and ran towards his bedroom.

He had lost a few moments admiring the view, but eventually caught up; tearing off his shirt, shorts, and boxers along the way.

She was already on his bed, laying in what she thought was a sexy pose. And it sure as hell was more than sexy to him.

Ky jumped into bed with her like an eager sixteen year old and pulled the covers over their heads.

They warmed each other with their kisses, touches, and breathless laughs. The rain was pounding on the roof, rapping on the windows, and sheltering them.

They lay perfectly afterwards, gazing into each other's eyes, not saying anything. Ky kissed her forehead and stroked a loose strand of hair back from her face.

Kate looked up at him. "When I moved back to Minnesota, I willed myself not to think of you or any of our memories together, but I couldn't, and I kept wondering why my mind wouldn't forget you."

Ky kissed her, leaving a tingling sensation on her lips. "Did you ever find out why?"

She nodded, snuggling up against his hard body. "It's because I'm in love with you. And love is a strange yet beautiful thing."

Nodding, Ky pulled her even closer until not even a sheet of paper could fit in between them.

They lay together in each other's warm bodies, surrounded by their auroras of love and care. Even when the lightning flashed or the thunder roared, they didn't flinch. For they listened to the beauty of it all around them.

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