Chapter 5- Booze and Beer

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Chapter 5: Booze and Beer

When I stepped into the locker room after the game, it was like a sight I have never seen before on the players.

Everyone was cheering and hugging each other. A smile tugged at my lips from just watching this heart warming sight.

I went into my room, showered, and changed, hoping that when I came out, I wouldn't be flashed.

Thankfully, everyone was already dressed. "Kate!" I heard Killian and Clint shout to me from the middle of the room. I walked over to them.

"After every game, if we win, we always go out to a bar and celebrate. And we were wondering if you'll be joining us tonight?" Clint explained.

"I don't know guys, I'm not much of a partier..." I lied.

"Oh, come'll be fun!" Killian said.

I gave in. "Alright."

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the bar Killian had led me to, and walked in. Apparently, it was a major New York Rangers hang out. So there were tons of people who cheered and greeted me when I walked in; making a smile form onto my lips.

The smell of booze, food, and alcohol all hit me like a wave at the same time.

I saw Luvoski and some others wave to me and I went over to them.

"You came!" one of them said.

"You came?" I then heard Ky say from behind me. I spun around and came eye to eye with him. He was holding a beer bottle and was looking down at me.

"Yeah, Killian and Clint said it would be fun."

"Kate!" Killian ran over to me and slung an arm around my shoulders. "What can I get ya?"

"You don't have to buy me any-"

He waved his hand. "I insist! And they're on the house anyways."

"Well, if they're free..." I chuckled and turned to the bartender, ordering a beer.

I grabbed the bottle and Killian took my wrist and raised my hand in the air.

"Cheers to the first goal of the night!" Killian yelled and the whole bar raised their glasses and cheered.

After a few conversations with good looking men and insisting bartenders, I began to feel a little dizzy.

I kept getting handed beer after beer, and since they were free, I didn't have the heart to argue.

But now after seeing fuzzy figures, I sat down on the stool. Deep breaths, Kate. Deep breaths. I rubbed at the bridge of my nose, but nothing helped ease the fuzziness. 

I felt someone grab me by the hand and pull me out to the dance floor. The heat of all the bodies was suffocating, but I didn't say anything as the man started to dance with me. I couldn't say mouth was dry and words couldn't process right into my head. 

He then put his hands on my waist and brought me closer. I still danced.

Then I felt his sticky lips on my neck and I began to panic. What the hell?

"Stop," I slurred, trying to push the heavy body away from me. He was heavier than expected, so the push didn't do anything except urge him on. 

"I said s-stop." I said again, but he kept running his hands lower and kissing my neck.

I pushed again and elbowed him, but that seemed to get him angry.

The man had a low and scratchy voice that terrified me. "Just stay still baby..."

I then took all the energy left in me and kneed the guy where the sun don't shine.

He groaned and I tried to pull away, but his grip never loosened. I kept elbowing him, and his grip got tighter.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, attracting the attention of pretty much everyone in the bar.

"Shut up." He growled but I then hit his face.

I heard a gasp and saw him stumble back from my intense hit.

I swung my fist at him and struck his jaw. I kept hitting his ribs with every ounce of anger within me.

"Stop! Kate stop!" I heard voices coming from behind me and arms pulling me back.

The last thing I saw was the man's bloody face, and him stumbling to the ground.


Sorry the chapters really short! I've been working really hard this week and just haven't had the time to make a really long one!

The next chapter will spill some more secrets and past things for Kate, so keep reading my fellow earthlings!

I hope you all have a fantastic day, go watch some hockey!

-Anne :)

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