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To Astrid's shock Kai was whistling a tune as his hands circled a glowing ball of pure lava. She watched as he walked into the cave and put the lava in a hole the put the eggs in it. Once he did that he yawns and settled in for sleeping by said lava.

Astrid was shocked by this. "Let's go girl," she said leaving on her dragon.

Next Morning

Hiccup yawns as he woke up and looked over the horizon. He looks at the docks and was confused to see Yohan's ship gone.

He went to the clubhouse and saw almost everyone else was awake save for the twins who were more than likely off somewhere doing something and Spite-lout who had thankfully left to go back to the village with the gold. "Has anyone seen Trader Yohan this morning?" Hiccup asks. Heather gave a small smile and answers. "Kai changed his mind and gave him enough gold to pay off those guys he has a debt too," Heather said helpfully. Hiccup frowns at that because Kai was pretty stubborn on not giving any gold to just suddenly give it. "Yeah how nice of him to finally come around to his senses," Fish-legs said smiling. Astrid was quiet and looked like she was contemplating something in her head.

"I'm gonna go check on him," Hiccup said. "Me too," Stoic said just wanting to see his other son. They both suited up and went out on their dragons. They saw smoke coming off the side of the mountain where Kai was supposed to be camping out. "Dad," Hiccup said turning to his father who without a word flew as fast as he could in the direction of the smoke.

When they got there they saw Kai was fighting a entire squadron of dragon hunters by himself.

"Stay away from my dragon!" Kai yelled not seeing his family arriving. "We came for the dragon and the eggs now give us the beasts and we might let you live," Ryker laughs. "Never!" Kai yelled and did a twirling motion. For a split second everyone watching was in complete confusion before suddenly flames came forth in a tornado and Kai was in the middle of it. The hunters scream running from the fire mini tornado as it swiftly moved among the hunters taking them out and leaving some of the more unfortunate souls with bad burns that were sure to scar.

"What in Odin's name is that!?" Stoic asks Hiccup. "I don't know," Hiccup said in shock.

Ryker, though just as taken aback and surprised, grabbed a dragon proof net and threw it at the tornado. It got tangled up in the tornado and Kai fell to the scorched ground struggling to get out of the net. "I don't know what in tarnation that was, but Viggo only wants the dragon and eggs alive. He doesn't care what happens to you," Ryker grins and raised his sword. Flame tried helping her rider only for her snout to be muzzled and dragon hunters hold her down.

The sword in Ryker's hand was knocked from his hand when Tooth-less let loose a plasma blast. "Get away from my son!" Stoic yelled diving Skull-Crusher on the hunters as Tooth-less and Hiccup took care of the dragon hunters holding onto Flame. Ryker grabbed Kai to use as leverage, but the boy in red kicked him hard in the stomach and Ryker curses as he dropped Kai who finally managed to get out of the net. "You are never getting my dragon," Kai states and did a round house kick knocking Ryker to the ground with his own sword to his throat.

The other Hunters had abandoned him and the chief of Berk along with Hiccup came over both angry and mad.

"How did you know about Flame?" Kai asks. Ryker sealed his lips shut and clearly would not talk. "I will make you talk," Kai said sounding down right deadly. That moment was ruined though when a arrow peirced right through Kai's shoulder.

Ryker used the shock of it to kick Kai off him and run for his life and so does the hunter who had stayed behind to shoot Kai with the arrow. Kai was looking at the arrow from his shoulder in shock before he became pale and fell over. Stoic grabbed him wanting to go after the hunters, but his son takes presence. Hiccup carefully pulled the arrow out and smelled the tip.

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