Dragon's Are The Masters

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Hiccup charges at Viggo with his sword Inferno in hand. Ryker easily got in front of Hiccup and defends his brother. "Your going to regret this boy, you should have died when you had the chance," Ryker sneers at him. "And you should have invested in a tooth brush, we can't all get what we want," Hiccup bites back. Hiccup took Ryker's moment of arrogant anger and when Ryker charged next he dodged the blade reminiscent of Kai and Ryker fell to the ground. Tooth-less than charges at Ryker and the second in command ran.

"Ryker! Get back here!" Viggo yells after his brother, but it was useless as he disappeared in the crowd of hunters. Viggo turns to Hiccup and got out his own. "Fine, I may as well be the one to finish this," he said than they charged.

All around them there was chaos. The dragon hunters were fighting against the riders in the mechs, but it was useless due to Snot-lout's massive mech and Fish-legs fighting on the sea the hunters couldn't fight back at all.

Zane meanwhile was gritting his teeth as he controlled multiple mechs at once. The annoying part was that the twins kept trying to take control from him and do their own thing which was not the plan, they were supposed to lead the dragons away in case Viggo infected them with grimora. He was happy to note though that Astrid had cured Lloyd, Jay, and Kai who were currently very dazed at the moment. Nya and Cole were still somewhere in the forest and Astrid was looking for them now while Kai, Jay, and Lloyd got their bearings. Ember was on the ship with him staying as safe as possible since she is still just a baby. Snot-lout was by far the easiest to control since his mech was heavily operated by the movement of the pilot. He was laughing in glee as he took out any hunters stupid enough to come near him.

"I'm gonna have a new apparition for Pixel by the end of this," Zane mutters as he once again steered the twins towards the direction they were supposed to be heading. As he did this he realized something....... the twins were not in the cockpit.

"Astrid! Fish-legs! The twins are missing do you have a visual?" Zane quickly asks into the coms. "Nope," Astrid answers still searching for Cole and Nya. "Neither do I, also just wondering how do these work? Is it like a magic," Fish-legs began when Zane snaps. "NOT NOW!" It is not often he looses his temper, but controlling a bunch of mechs at once was hard.

Without the air support from the twins Fish-legs didn't have a visual of the ships above and now he was barely getting by from the hunters shooting arrows at him.

"Fish-legs your going to have to get to Meat-lug your a sitting duck out there and I can't defend you," Zane said. "But the grimora," Fish-legs began. "We can use Nya once Astrid finds her if someone gets infected again okay? Directing you to the main land you find Meat-lug yourself. She's somewhere near the forest. I'm directing the jet back here, find the twins before they get themselves killed," Zane orders and Fish-legs has to comply since Zane is the one steering the jet ski.

Meanwhile the twins had quickly gotten bored flying the jet because Zane did not allow them to blow anything up at all taking all the fun out of it.

"So what are we doing now?" Tuff-nut asks his sister who smiles at her brother. "We my dear brother are going to do something legendary," Ruff-nut answers as she and Tuff-nut got to their hut on the Edge to get some supplies. You see when Kai was showing them his weapons he also showed them how to make smoke bombs out of eggs (not from Tuff's chicken of course). They had been making five a day since waiting till they had enough to cause some real mayhem. They had also taken these weapons that are used by Zane usually when launching snowballs, a usually useless weapon Jay made for snow days, but right now it was perfect for them.

They picked up their bag filled with smoke bombs and turned to go exact mayhem, but came face to face with a still infected Cole and Nya.

They were growling  viscously like animals and were closing in on them. "Got a plan Ruff?" Tuff asks and Ruff casually answers. "Yeah, but let's try your first," She answers. Tuff smiles and took out one of the eggs. "Take this!" He threw it at them and it hit Cole right in the face. Cole screeches clutching his eyes as the spices burned. Nya charges and knocked Tuff-nut to the ground and grabbed his neck about to snap it when Ruff tackles her getting into a head lock. "No one hurts my brother except me!" she declares and smashes another egg into Nya's face. Nya screamed and threw Ruff-nut off her clutching her eyes.

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