Cruel Treatment

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Zane and Jay are now seriously questioning whether or not they should continue listening to the twins. The soul main reason was because the twins had just handed them a bucket of water and a cloth than said they needed to groom their dragon before leaving to enjoy the festival held in Snot-lout's honour. Since they had arrived and gotten the twins 'help' in traditional Viking courting they had been doing various tasks such as collecting foods, gold, jewels, few trinkets, making smoke bombs, and froze the maze water Snot-lout was running through which turned out to be better for Snot-lout since it froze the eels too making the trial a cake walk.

Now they were supposed to clean the two headed dragon. While Zane and Jay had always questioned it the twins always gave a explanation that was sound for each one such as a gift to a god or goddess or a sign of dedication, but this. The twins said it was a age old tradition to clean a Zipple back a favoured dragon among the gods and goddesses before they left. It was that moment Zane and Jay had truly learned that the twins had been conning them the entire time. The reason being is that Berk had apparently been at war with all dragons for three hundred years so that included Zipple backs.

When the two realized this in the near darkness of night with only the moon and stars to shine down on them they dropped the bucket and cloth and burst into tears running to their dragons together. Shard and Wisp were sleeping when their masters came, but were quick to console the distraught two and opened their wings and closing them over the two shielding them from the outside.

The pair of ninja hugged each other tightly and sobbed in each other's arms as Wisp and Shard gave small comforting nuzzles too their masters trying to help them calm down from their crying fits. "Why? Why did we have to be jerks to him?" Jay cries asking no one in particular, but Zane still responds. "It was Cole's idea Jaybird," Zane sniffs and his boyfriend in blue cuddles closer to him. "You don't blame him though do you?" He asks though it was more of a statement. Zane did not hesitate to answer honestly. "No I don't do you?" Zane asked. "I want to, but I don't I'm not even mad at him. We could have thought of something better, we could have easily talked him out of it, we could have just not done anything. We are to blame for everything all of us," Jay starts sobbing even more.

Zane cradles him and tried soothing him, but he was just as equally distraught. He shares in Jay's statement down to each syllable. They did not blame Cole for this because this was still their fault no matter for who was too blame. "We acted on fear for him," Zane tries to console Jay. "But we still hurt him. We already saw his heart flatline once, but yet we tempted fate by breaking it," Jay said. Zane kisses the top of Jay's head and runs his hands through the curly locks of his freckled boyfriend.

"It's gonna be," Zane began. "Do not say it's gonna be okay!" Jay shrieks at the ice ninja startling both the dragons. "It's not gonna be okay! Kai's never going to forgive us and now with all this he's never coming back either! I want him back I want to sleep in the same bed cuddling each other, I want to us to all kiss each other when one of us is upset, I want to just cuddle when we have lazy mornings and just want to be together, I want to playfully flirt with each other no matter who's around, Snowflake I want it all back!" Jay sobs.

To some it might sound like spoiled whining but to Zane he knew Jay was just scared, down right terrified, of things never being normal again. He may be a ninja, but he's the most sensitive of the group and was also the one with the most love to give. They both know this situation is their fault, but that does not make it easier. In fact it just makes this harder.

When Flame returned without Kai they were all worried. During his absence Sensei Wu assured Flame would return with Kai and the three had quickly realized their idiocy and had done their best job to find the perfect way to beg for him to come back if the begging wasn't enough in itself. They knew it was going to be hard, they were ready for that, but they were not ready for Kai to not return with Flame.

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