The Calm Before The Storm

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The next morning the riders were gathered in the club house trying to figure out what Viggo would do with the still missing Ninja. Kai and Zane made suggestions, but were just as clueless as where they could be as others. "They might use Nya for hunting water dragons or sinking boats," Kai suggests. "Or they could use Jay to create storms," Zane said. "Or have Cole sink a island," Kai said. "Or use Lloyd as a weapon against other tribes," Zane said finishing it off.

Hiccup does not like the sounds of any of those possibilities. "We are going in here blind. Viggo could be anywhere with any of them and we have no idea where," Hiccup said. Kai groans loudly and looked to Zane. "How could you have been stupid enough to be captured?" Kai asks with a bite to his voice. "Kai we were worried about you it clouded our judgement," Zane said. "I think the best course of action would be to wait until something happens," Hiccup said. "But the more we wait the longer they could be suffering," Zane argues.


Kai mutters and Zane gave him a glare. "Look it's the best we can do for now," Hiccup said. "In the meantime we should we alert since we can't be sure when something might happen," Heather said. "In the mean time Kai would you like to do training with me?" Zane asks hopefully. "Nah," Kai said and looked at Snot-lout. "Want to go do some target practice?" He asks.

Snot-lout glances at Zane than back at Kai. "Yeah sure," he answers and left with the red ninja. Everyone looked at Zane who's expression was the same thing of expecting and a spark flew from his eye which they contributed to a twitch of the eye for a nindroid.

"So do you?" Hiccup began when Zane speed walked out the club house. Everyone watched him leave than a moment later there was very familiar screaming.

Everyone ran out to find Zane trying to murder Snot-lout by throwing ice daggers at him, but Kai was melting them before they made contact.

"Zane! Stop going terminator!" Kai yelled at him. "You stop talking to him! You belong to me, Jay, and Cole remember!?" Zane yells. "Oh so I belong to you now?" Kai asks walking right up in the face of the white ninja.

"I do not belong to you like some slave okay? Also let's remember who used who here because at least Jay acted like I existed while you and Cole decided I didn't exist at all!" Kai yells at Zane.

"We did not! Now move out of the way I won't kill him I just want to know his blood type and I will need a lot of samples," Zane explains glaring at Snot-lout who cowers behind Hook-fang.

"Okay we are taking this else where," Kai said pulling Zane away to go somewhere private leaving Ember sleeping inside the club house with Tooth-less. "Snot-lout! For your health you should go spend some time not here," Kai called back to Snot-lout. The Viking was quick to agree and he left on Hook-fang so Zane did not freeze him in a block of ice while Kai wasn't there to protect him.

Fish-legs took the opportunity to try and have a chance to study Ember, but when he stepped towards the sleeping baby dragon Tooth-less opened his eyes and growls at Fish-legs covering Ember with his tail. The blonde Viking looked to Hiccup for help.

"Now bud he just wants to," Hiccup began when Tooth-less shot a small warning blast at his fake leg making him fall over. Tooth-less made eye contact with each rider and the message was clear.

"No one touches my dragon baby or you will die,"

Then he promptly went back to sleep and that was that. So unless another rider wants to loose a limb than no one is getting close to Ember.


Snot-lout cannot believe that guy. Like what did he do that got him put on that nindroid's kill list? "You know Hook-Fang I never asked to hang out with Kai he asked to hang out with me and who was I to say no? He's a cool dude even been teaching me some ninjagian though I really don't see when that's ever gonna be useful," Snot-lout spoke to his dragon as they flew.

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